Breast augmentation FAQs answered

If you are looking to get or have gotten a breast augmentation, you will probably have a lot of questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of breast augmentation FAQs and its answers.

Common breast augmentation FAQs

Are you a good candidate for breast augmentation?

The ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery is one who is in a good health condition with a normal BMI, be at least 18 years old and have breasts that are fully developed. In addition, undergoing breast augmentation would mean to make long lasting changes in your body and appearance, so it’s also important that you are in a healthy frame of mind when you make your decision.

Will breast augmentation increase your risk of breast cancer?

Many studies have shown that women who have breast implants are not at an increased risk for getting breast cancer. In addition, having breast implants do not hinder nor delay the detection of breast cancer either. Lastly, breast implant patients who do get breast cancer have the same chance of obtaining remission, or being free of cancer for 5 years, as with women without implants.

Does breast augmentation affect nipple sensation and sensitivity?

Changes in nipple sensation and sensitivity are common after breast augmentation surgery, but they rarely last long. For some, sensitivity is heightened while others experience sensation loss. It can take up to 6~12 months for sensation to return to normal.

Is it a good idea to get breast augmentation before having kids?

There is never a “right” or a “wrong” time, the decision to undergo breast surgery is more of a personal one. That said, some women do opt to complete their family before they undergo breast augmentation or rejuvenation. This is because pregnancy and breastfeeding will change the size and shape of your breasts, and these changes might adversely affect the appearance of your already augmented breast.

What’s the difference between breast implants and breast fat grafting?

Typically, you can achieve bigger breast sizes with breast augmentation through two methods – breast fat grafting and breast implants. Fat grafting is when you transfer your fats from other parts of your body to your breasts. And then there is the more popular option, breast implants which involves inserting implants in your breasts.

Breast implants are preferred because they give your breasts a more definite shape and way more voom in increasing cup size. In addition, they also give much longer lasting results than fat grafting.

Should you get breast implants or breast fat grafting?

Breast implants are preferred by most women as they provide more satisfying results. That said, if you prefer not to have foreign materials in your body, you might prefer fat grafting instead. Breast fat grafting provides the most natural breast augmentation though results are not as long-lasting as breast implants.

Ultimately, both procedures has its own pros and cons. And which to choose, really depends on your health conditions and expectations. Read our article for more in-depth comparisons about breast implants vs. fat grafting.

What are the different type of breast implant incisions?

There are three types of incision methods for breast augmentation:

  • Armpit fold incision – Breast implant is inserted through a small incision (3~4cm) at the armpit.
  • Areola incision – Breast implant is inserted through a small incision (1~2cm) around the areola.
  • Under breast incision – Breast implant is inserted through a small incision (3~4cm) under your breast at the breast line.

Should you get saline or silicone breast implants?

There are two types of breast implants – silicone implants and saline implants. Silicone implants are more popular as they look and feel more natural. To be honest, there is no one best size & type of breast implants that fits all but what you choose will affect the look and feel of your augmented breasts. Sometimes, the bigger the better is not always the case. Therefore, before choosing your breast implant size, consider how it will affect your lifestyle, daily activities, people’s impressions of you and your new breast size.

What size and type of breast implants should you choose?

To be honest, there is no one best size & type of breast implants that fits all but what you choose will affect the look and feel of your augmented breasts. Sometimes, the bigger the better is not always the case. Therefore, before choosing your breast implant size, consider how it will affect your lifestyle, daily activities, people’s impressions of you and your new breast size.

Read our comprehensive guide on size & type of breast implants for more details.

How often do breast implants leak or rupture?

While nothing is 100% unbreakable, breast implants have extremely low rupture rate. Typically, when silicone implants leak, the silicone gel remains within the implant and still holds its shape. On the other hand, when saline implants leak, their shape will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.

In a way, silicone implants pose more of a risk if they rupture as you might not be able to detect the rupture easily by yourself. Learn how to make your breast implants last by reading our article on how to properly care for breast implants.

How long do breast implants last?

While nothing is 100% unbreakable, breast implants have extremely low rupture rate. That said, breast implants are generally safe and designed to last a long time, if not a lifetime. There is no set expiration date but breast implants can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. The truth is although breast implants could last a lifetime, it doesn’t mean that they will last a lifetime.

Read our article on the shelf life of breast implants for more details.

How often should you get breast implant checkups?

It is recommended to get an MRI three years after the initial surgery, and then every two years after. Going for regular checkups can help you detect any leaks or ruptures, extend the life of your implants and buy you more time before you need breast implant replacements.

Can breast augmentation fix asymmetrical breasts?

Breast asymmetry is easily fixed with breast augmentation, breast reduction surgery or breast lift surgery. Depending on the severity of your asymmetry and your desired results, sometimes, you might need to combine procedures as well. If you are looking to fix asymmetrical breasts, read our article on how to fix uneven breasts to find out which procedure suits you most.

Can breast augmentation fix saggy breasts?

If you have sagging breasts, breast augmentation can help fix it. That said, depending on how much your breast is sagging, additional procedures might be necessary. If you are experiencing extreme sagging of your breasts, undergoing only breast augmentation will not be adequate to correct the sagging so your plastic surgeon will recommend getting a breast lift surgery to remove excess skin.

Does weight loss/gain affect breast augmentation results?

Yes, extreme weight loss or gain after surgery will affect your breast augmentation results. Large weight fluctuations can cause the sagging of breast tissues which might result in the need for a breast lift to correct the sagging. Furthermore, if you have had breast augmentation by fat grafting, weight loss can cause you to lose the transferred fats in your breasts.

In conclusion, do maintain a steady weight with a healthy diet and an exercise routine in order to preserve the great results from your breast augmentation surgery.

Will breast implants affect pregnancy?

No, breast implants does not affect pregnancy. Even with breast implants, you can get pregnant, safely give birth and breastfeed.

Can you breastfeed with breast implants?

Yes, breast implants does not affect your ability to breastfeed at all. Because the implants are placed under your breast tissue or under your chest muscles in a way that doesn’t interfere with mammary duct functions. That said however, your ability to breastfeed is affected by the type of incision method chosen.

If your implants are inserted through the armpits or under the breasts, there are no issues. On the other hand, if your implants are inserted through the areola, there is a risk that your milk ducts may be damaged or injured during your breast augmentation surgery. Hence, affecting or reducing milk supply. Therefore choosing the right incision method matters a lot if you are planning to breastfeed in future.

Check out our article on breastfeeding after breast augmentation for more details.

How soon after pregnancy can you get breast augmentation?

In general, it is recommend to wait at least 3~6 months, or longer if you are planning to breastfeed, after pregnancy before getting breast surgery. Because your breasts change not only during pregnancy, but also afterwards. In addition, you will need ample time to heal from your pregnancy, as well as to breastfeed and bond with your newborn.

Allow 3~6 months for your breast size and shape to settle down after breastfeeding. Once you have passed the 3-month mark and have stopped breastfeeding, monitor your breasts for any changes. Typically, mothers are advised to wait at least 6~12 months after pregnancy before undergoing a breast lift or breast augmentation.

Is breast augmentation a mommy makeover?

Mommy makeover is a full package of cosmetic procedures aimed at restoring a woman’s body to its pre-pregnancy state. When done well, your figure could get better than pre-baby body too. Mommy makeovers target these specific parts of your body:

  • Breasts
  • Tummy/Abdomen
  • Other areas such as arms, thighs, buttocks etc.

If you are looking to get a mommy makeover, we generally recommend waiting at least 6 months after giving birth, and another 6 months after weaning before getting a mommy makeover.

What is recovery like?

After your breast augmentation surgery, expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 1~2 weeks. Swelling will reduce asymmetrically so do not panic if it happens. Typically, about 70% of the bruising and swelling is lost within 2 weeks, and most of the swelling will be gone in 3 months.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, there will be restrictions for movements on your upper body, such as lifting your arms, stretching your arms etc. Try not to lift or stretch your arms too much for at least 2 months and be wary of vigorous movements or any movements that will put impact your upper body.

Get more post-op tips by reading our article on breast augmentation aftercare and post-op instructions.

Can you smoke or drink after breast augmentation surgery?

The success of your breast augmentation not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

How long should you wear the compression bra?

You will be required to wear a compression bra for at least 2 months after your breast surgery. This will help maintain the shape of your new breasts and help your breast implants settle in nicely.

Can you wear underwire bras after getting breast augmentation?

Wearing bras with underwire too soon after undergoing breast augmentation can affect the positioning of the implants, irritate breast incisions, and interfere with your recovery results. Hence, wear your compression bra or surgical bra instead during the recovery period and wait at least after 6 months to start wearing underwire bras.

When can you get a revision breast augmentation?

Do allow your wounds from the previous surgery to completely heal before getting a revision. If you are not satisfied with the results of your previous breast augmentation and want a revision, revision surgery can typically be done 6 months after your previous breast surgery. That said, breast augmentation procedures has the highest satisfaction rate actually so chances of you wanting a revision would be low.

Are breast augmentation scars noticeable?

Your breast augmentation scars depend on the type of incision methods chosen. The best incision option is the under breast incision as it allows for more accurate and precise placement of breast implants. In addition, scar lines follows the folds under your breast so scar is hardly visible. That said, incision scars for breast enhancement in general are not obvious actually, so you don’t have to worry too much about scars!

Can you go for suntanning after breast augmentation?

We all love the sun but sun exposure can create permanent discoloration of scars, and increase your risk for infections and complications. So it’s better to stick to the shade, especially during recovery. Even after you have completely recovered, we recommend that you always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF. This will help reduce and lighten scarring.

What to take note and avoid after breast augmentation?

Before you get all excited and eager to show off your new breasts, make sure that you take the time needed for recovery. By knowing what to avoid after breast augmentation and following post-op instructions, you are set for a good recovery and successful results.


Some women are born flat-chested while some experience breast deformities. Some could have lost fullness in their breasts after dieting or pregnancy, or perhaps even lost their breasts to breast cancer.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

But for whatever reasons, breast enhancement should not be frown upon. In fact, breast augmentation actually has one of the highest satisfaction rate as compared to all other cosmetic procedures.

If you still have more breast augmentation FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Breast augmentation FAQs answered