SMAS facelift FAQs answered

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In Korea, one of the most popular and effective surgery that can dramatically reverse the signs of aging is the SMAS facelift surgery. If you are looking to get a SMAS facelift to look younger, you will probably have a lot of questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of SMAS facelift FAQs and its answers.

Common SMAS facelift surgery FAQs

What is SMAS facelift?

A SMAS facelift procedure involves lifting the SMAS layer (layer of connective tissue between the subcutaneous fat and the muscles) under the skin to counter the signs of aging by tightening weaken muscles and tissues, removing fats, and trimming of excess sagging skin. It is used to correct midface sagging, specifically targeted at sagging cheeks, smile lines, marionette lines and saggy jawlines.

Are you a good candidate for SMAS facelift?

The ideal candidate for a SMAS facelift is a middle-aged individual who is in good health condition with early signs of aging in their midface areas. It’s most effective for mid to severe facial sagging and suitable for those who have:

  • Facial sagging
  • Sagging cheeks (Hollow cheeks)
  • Deep smile lines and marionette lines
  • Undefined or sagging jowls
  • Sagging chins
  • Sagging jawline after undergoing jaw reduction surgery

Best for those in their late thirties and forties or those whose skin is in the mid stage of sagging. 

What are the benefits of SMAS facelift?

Benefits of a SMAS face lift are plentiful and some of them includes:

  • Improve elasticity of sagging skin and droopiness of mid-face areas
  • Gets rid of excess loose facial skin
  • Reduces pore size and tightens your skin for a smoother appearance
  • Softens smile lines and marionette lines
  • Lifts sagging cheeks
  • Lifts sagging jawlines and eliminates saggy jowls
  • Gives an immediate lifted and rejuvenation look
  • Natural-looking lift results

What are the side effects or risk associated with SMAS facelift?

As with all other surgical procedures, SMAS facelift surgery does come with some side effects and risks of its own including:

  • Tightness of face
  • Facial nerve injury
  • Necrosis of skin flap
  • Scarring
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular contours

What are the non-surgical ways to get a facelift?

Although dramatic changes cannot be achieved through non-surgical facelift procedures, these non-invasive treatments are also great alternatives:

  • Mint thread lift –  lifting the skin using dissolvable threads with cogs hidden under the skin’s surface
  • Elasticum thread lift – lifting using Elasticum threads which produces longer lasting results as compared to mint thread
  • Laser facelifts – Shurink HIFU, Ultheraphy etc.
  • Botox
  • Fillers

The only downside with non-surgical treatments is that results are only temporary and most of the time, many require consistent treatments to get even the slightest results. In fact, non-surgical facelifts are more effective for those in their early twenties who are not experiencing severe facial sagging.

How long does results of SMAS facelift last?

The results of a SMAS facelift surgery is pretty permanent and can last up to 10 years. And of course, a SMAS lift may remove or reduce the signs of aging but it cannot stop aging. So over time, signs of aging will gradually reappear, depending on how fast you age and how well you take care of your body.

What is recovery like?

After your SMAS facelift, expect major bruising and swelling (about 70%) on your lower face to last about 1~2 weeks. For the first 3 weeks to a month, your skin will feel very tight and might look unnatural. But its effects will start to look more and more natural as time passes. Best effects of SMAS lifting can be seen after 3 months.

The incision areas will also be taped up to prevent infections and aid in recovery. During recovery, you are also recommended not to open your mouth too wide or turn your head too much. You would also need to refrain from strenuous activity, sleeping without the head elevated, and hair treatments for six weeks.

Can you smoke or drink after SMAS facelift surgery?

The success of your facelift surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

Can you play sports after a SMAS facelift?

No, you should not play sports or do any strenuous exercise in the first 3~4 weeks after a facelift or you’ll risk complications.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, avoid strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, biking and intercourse for at least 3 weeks. In addition, do not stretch your facial muscles or open your mouth too big for at least 2 months.

Will you experience a loss of movement on your face after a facelift?

During the facelift, your plastic surgeon will have to pull, reposition and move tissues of the face, which might cause swelling in the nerves. So after the surgery, you might experience a temporary loss of movement on your face as it takes time for the swelling to go down in the nerves and it takes time for the nerves to heal. This loss of movement is usually temporary and will resolve in a few days.

Are SMAS facelift surgery scars noticeable?

There is minimal scarring but its hardly visible as most of it is hidden.


The truth is, no matter what anti-aging skincare you use or how many hundreds of laser lifting sessions you have done, nothing can match the immediate results that SMAS facelifts can provide.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

And there is nothing wrong with wanting to look younger than your age. So if you feel that it is what you need, we say go for it! Just make sure to get a board certified surgeon who is highly skilled and specialized in SMAS facelifts for the best results.

If you still have more SMAS facelift FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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SMAS facelift FAQs answered