Brazilian butt lift FAQs answered

There’s little doubt that one of the most in-demand physical features today is a full, round butt. If you are looking to get a brazilian butt lift, you will probably have questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of brazilian butt lift FAQs and its answers.

Common brazilian butt lift FAQs

Are you a good candidate for brazilian butt lift?

The ideal candidate for brazilian butt lift is one who is in good overall health and in a healthy weight range. Additionally, as a brazilian butt lift involves fat transfers, you should also have sufficient fats in another part of your body to be used for fat transfer.

What is the difference between butt augmentation and brazilian butt lift?

A butt augmentation involves placing silicone implants in your butt to add volume and shape to your buttocks while a brazilian butt lift involves using liposuction to transfer fats from another area of your body to your buttocks. Most patients prefer a brazilian butt lift as it is safer and looks and feels more natural. With butt augmentation, there is a risk of implant movement or allergic reaction with butt implants.

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of brazilian butt lift to decide if the procedure can help you achieve what you want.

Is it brazilian butt lift surgery dangerous?

A brazilian butt lift is a minimally invasive and relatively safe procedure with a low risk of complications. As the procedure uses your own fats, there is almost no risk of rejection from your body. Moreover, because you are using your own fats, the results are natural in both look and feel.

What is the brazilian butt lift procedure like?

BBL involves 3 basic steps. Firstly, the fats are harvested from one or more areas of your body with liposuction. Once successfully extracted, the fats are being processed, purified and filtered to be used for fat grafting. Lastly, purified fats are then strategically injected to your buttocks to volumize and contour according to the size and shape that you want. 

How much fat is needed for a successful brazilian butt lift?

To be honest, it depends on the results you are trying to achieve. A good plastic surgeon doctor will be able to recommend the amount of fat needed based on your unique body proportions and offer appropriate suggestions.

Which areas of your body can be used for fat transfer?

Basically, any part of your body that you have excess fats for extraction. Usually, excess fats will be extracted from problem areas such as abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, upper arms, back and chin.

What if you don’t have enough fats for transfer?

If you do not have enough fats for transfer, your plastic surgeon might recommend that you gain weight before the procedure. But of course, that does not mean binge eating nor a drastic weight change! We do not recommend that you compromise your health for your beauty needs. Remember, you have to be in a healthy condition in order to get the butt lift as well.

Will you need more than one brazilian butt lift treatment?

Fat cells can be vulnerable when transferred from one area to another and fat survival is unpredictable. Typically, about 50% of the fat grafting will be naturally absorbed back by your body over 2~3 months after your 1st session of fat grafting for buttocks. Hence, 2 sessions of fat grafting are usually recommended for long lasting results.

Will the transferred fats migrate?

Good news! The transferred fats does not migrate.

Can a brazilian butt lift tighten skin?

It depends. More often than none, a brazilian butt lift can produce a lifted and firm appearance of your buttocks as a result of the skin being filled out with the transferred fats. That said, you will need fairly good skin elasticity to achieve good results. If your skin lacks elasticity, you might not be able to achieve the results that you want.

Can brazilian butt lift fix sagging butt cheeks?

A brazilian butt lift can help fix sagging butts which are slight droopy and deflated. That said, depending on how saggy or droopy your butt is, additional procedures might be necessary. In cases of extreme sagging and bad skin elasticity, a traditional butt lift to remove excess saggy skin, might be necessary to achieve the results that you desire.

What is recovery like?

After your brazilian butt lift, expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 1~2 weeks. You should also not sit directly on your buttocks for at least 2 months, so as to increase the chance of fat graft survival and maintain the shape of your new buttocks.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, do avoid straining your buttock muscles and strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and intercourse etc. for at least 2 months until after your fat cells have stabilized.

When can I see results from brazilian butt lift?

Results are instantaneous, though there will be some swelling and bruising for 1~2 weeks. Most patients are able to enjoy final results in 4~6 months.

How long does results from brazilian butt lift last?

To be honest, fat survival is unpredictable. Typically, about 50% of the fat grafting will be naturally absorbed back by your body over 2~3 months after your 1st session of fat grafting for buttocks. Hence, 2 sessions of fat grafting are usually recommended for long lasting results.

Realistically, you can expect 50-60% of the fat to last for many years if you take care to maintain your results. Learn how to prolong your butt lift results by reading our article on brazilian butt lift aftercare and post-op instructions.

Can you smoke or drink after a brazilian butt lift?

The success of your BBL not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

How long should you wear the compression garment?

You will be required to wear a compression garment for at least 2 months after your BBL. Wear it 24/7 if possible, even when you sleep, as it will help maintain the shape of your new buttocks, prevent fluid buildup and provides back and thigh support.

Does weight loss/gain affect brazilian butt lift results?

The transferred fats work just like your regular fats – shrinking when you lose weight and expanding when you gain weight. While slight weight changes does not significantly affect your results, extreme weight loss or gain will.

Extreme weight loss can cause you to lose the transferred fats in your buttocks. On the other hand, a major weight gain then loss can leave your butt looking saggy and deflated. So if you want to preserve the great results from your BBL, do maintain a steady weight with a healthy diet and an exercise routine.

How should you sit after a brazilian butt lift?

Following your BBL, sitting directly on your buttocks too soon can cause a disruption in the transferred fats. In addition, prolonged pressure on your buttocks during recovery can interfere with the survival of your transferred fats.

During recovery, sit by placing a pillow under your thighs and have your butt hanging in the air so there is no pressure on your buttocks. Sit that way for at least 3~4 weeks. It is very important to avoid putting pressure on the fat graft to achieve lasting results. After a month, you may sit on a donut pillow or inflatable pillow but only for short periods of time.

How should you sleep after a brazilian butt lift?

The best and most suitable positions for sleep after a BBL is either laying on your stomach or sleeping in a rescue position on your side. Avoid sleeping directly on your side and it will put extra pressure on one hip and risk one side of your buttocks becoming flat.

Are brazilian butt lift scars noticeable?

Nope, in fact, the scars are small and minimal. Plus, a good plastic surgeon will know to place them in areas where they are camouflaged within the natural folds of your body.

Can you go for suntanning after a brazilian butt lift?

We all love the sun but sun exposure can create permanent discoloration of scars, and increase your risk for infections and complications. So stick to the shade, especially during recovery. But if you need a tan, wait at least 3~6 months after your BBL before getting one. Even after you have completely recovered, always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF. This will help reduce and lighten scarring.


Thanks to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj, having a full, round and firm butt is being seen as one of the standards of beauty. Hence, the fast growing and increasing popularity of the brazilian butt lift procedure.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

And with BBL being a minimally invasive and relatively safe procedure with low risk of complications, it’s no doubt the prcoedure is getting increasingly popular and common. If you still have more brazilian butt lift FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Brazilian butt lift FAQs answered