Double eyelid surgery FAQs answered

If you are looking to get or have gotten a double eyelid surgery in Korea, you will probably have a lot of questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of double eyelid surgery FAQs and its answers.

Common double eyelid surgery FAQs

What is the best age to undergo double eyelid surgery?

There isn’t any ideal age but it is recommended to wait until you are at least 18 years old to get a double eyelid surgery. That said, it is common for teenagers as young as 15 or 16 years old to get double eyelid surgery in Korea.

Are you a good candidate for double eyelid surgery?

There are no strict criteria required to be a candidate for double eyelid surgery. The ideal candidate for a blepharoplasty is one who is in a good health condition and has no serious eye problems (bad eyesight is not a eye problem).

What are the different types of double eyelids?

Your preference on the type of eyelids you want will determine the type of double eyelid procedures required. In general, there are 3 types of double eyelids:

Infold double eyelids | Hyundai Aesthetics Plastic Surgery
Infold Double Eyelid

Infold double eyelid

  • Common on Asian eyes
  • Gives a natural look
Outfold double eyelids | Hyundai Aesthetics Plastic Surgery
Outfold Double Eyelid

Outfold double eyelid

  • Common on Western eyes
  • Gives off a dramatic look.
Outfold double eyelids | Hyundai Aesthetics Plastic Surgery
In-out Fold Double Eyelid

Outfold double eyelid

  • Combination of infold and outfold.
  • Gives a natural yet distinctive look. 
  • Most popular choice among Koreans.

What is the difference between the types of double eyelid procedure?

The most suitable procedure for you depends on many factors actually. Some of which are your eye anatomy, amount of eyelid fats, extend of saggy skin, and overall muscle distribution.

  • Incisional double eyelid procedure – An incision is made to create double eyelids. This method is suitable for all eyelid types and is most effective technique used to permanently create eyelids.
  • Partial incision double eyelid procedure – Small segments of incisions are made to where your eyelid fold is to be naturally placed. Suitable for those with not-so-fat eyelids. Or if you are really very particular about scars.
  • Non incisional double eyelid procedure – No incisions but instead, small invisible sutures are knotted along where your eyelid fold is to be naturally placed. Only suitable for those with thin eyelids.

What are the benefits of a double eyelid surgery?

Getting a double eyelid surgery may not all be about aesthetics. In fact, most of the time, a double eyelid surgery can actually address your peripheral vision issues, especially when you have saggy or droopy eyelids. Apart from that, an enhancement in your aesthetics can also boost your health physically, mentally and emotionally.

Can you get double eyelid surgery if you already have double eyelids?

Absolutely yes! Even with double eyelids, many do want to get a double eyelid surgery to enhance the aesthetics of their eyes. Especially when you age, your existing double eyelids may turn into multiple creases and/or sag. In such cases, getting a double eyelid surgery can help rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes.

Can you get double eyelid surgery only on one eye?

Yes, that is possible but that can result in uneven double eyelids. It is much easier to match your eyelids if both are operated.

Can a double eyelid surgery correct droopy eyelids?

If you have droopy eyelids, chances are you have ptosis, which is a medical condition. Ptosis refers to a condition where your upper eyelids droop due to muscle problems and it can happen to one or both eyes. Sometimes, it’s barely noticeable so we live thinking we don’t have it. Other times, it is so obvious and severe to the point that it affects how you look and blocks your vision.

If you have ptosis, even if it’s mild ptosis, you should get it treated as soon as possible. Because any further delay will results in a lifetime of poor vision and dozens of wrinkles. In some cases, a double eyelid surgery can correct mild ptosis. However, if your ptosis condition is severe, you should get ptosis correction surgery and double eyelid surgery together.

Can you get double eyelid surgery and lasik at the same time?

No, you should never do both procedures at the same time. Because both procedures involve making very delicate changes to your eyes, the risk involved is very high. In addition, results would also be compromised if you do both double eyelid surgery and lasik at the same time.

That said, you can choose to do either procedure first, depending on which one is priority for you. Read our article on eyelid surgery and lasik for tips to help you decide on which one you should do first.

How long should you wait after lasik to get double eyelid surgery or vice versa?

You should wait at least 6 months between surgeries. In order to avoid compromising the results of your double eyelid surgery or lasik, it’s best to wait till you have fully recovered from whichever procedure you decided to do first before getting the other.

Can you get double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty together?

Yes, it is possible to get both double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty together so that you only undergo one surgery instead of two. However, do note that this combination will likely cause more bruising of your eyelids.

When can you get revision double eyelid surgery?

Do allow your wounds from the previous surgery to completely heal before getting a revision. If you are not satisfied with the results of your previous double eyelid surgery and want a revision, revision surgery can typically be done 6 months after your previous eyelid surgery.

Do you have to be awake for double eyelid surgery?

To keep you comfortable throughout the whole procedure, you will first be put under local anesthesia. Just before finalizing the look of your eyelids, you will be put under sedation anesthesia (for a few mins) and the surgeon will wake you so that your surgeon can check how your eyelids look when your eyes are opened.

Should you remove your eyelash extensions before getting double eyelid surgery?

It is not necessary to remove your eyelash extensions before your eye surgery but be prepared that some of your eyelash extensions might fall off during surgery.

How is double eyelid surgery recovery like?

After undergoing a double eyelid surgery, you will experience major bruising and swelling at your eye area for up to 3 weeks and the rest of the swelling will subside within 1~3 months. You will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks but vigorous exercises and swimming is prohibited for at least 3 weeks.

Read our article on eyelid surgery aftercare and post-op instructions for tips and answers on your post-op double eyelid surgery FAQs.

Are double eyelid surgery results permanent?

Generally, if you have opted for an incisional double eyelid procedure, the results are pretty long-lasting and permanent. On the other hand, if you had opted for the non incisional procedure, there is a high chance that your double eyelids will loosen and revert back, especially if you have fatty or saggy eyelids. That said, no eyelid procedure can alter or stop the natural aging process so your eyelids will change as you continue to age.

Will you be able to close your eyes completely after a double eyelid surgery?

Yes, even after a double eyelid surgery, your plastic surgeon should make sure to leave behind enough eyelid skin so that you can close your eyes normally.

Can you smoke or drink after undergoing double eyelid surgery?

The success of your double eyelid surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

When can you start washing your face after undergoing double eyelid surgery?

Avoid touching or washing your eye area until all stitches are removed. Do not even use wet tissues or wet wipes on your eye area. You may remove any eye mucus or eye boogers with q-tips, but gently and carefully to make sure that you do not touch the incisions.

When can you start wearing contact lens after undergoing double eyelid surgery?

You should avoid wearing contact lens at least 2~3 weeks after your double eyelid surgery. Touching or pulling the area near the incisions can increase the risk of infections, and cause the incisions to re-open and not heal properly.

When can you start putting on eye makeup after undergoing double eyelid surgery?

Avoid any eye makeup for at least 2~3 weeks after your double eyelid surgery. In fact, it is safest to wait until your incisions have completed healed before using eye makeup. Any touching or rubbing the area near the incisions can increase the risk of infection, and cause the incisions to re-open and not heal properly.

Are double eyelid surgery scars noticeable?

If you follow post-op instructions and heal properly, there are no visible scars as eyelid incisions are made following natural skin folds and creases. Once healed, the hairline scars will fade, leaving a very inconspicuous incision line that becomes virtually unnoticeable after the healing.


There are many reasons why our patients choose to undergo double eyelid surgery. For one, getting double eyelid surgery can help improve or eliminate vision problems. In addition, you can enhance your beauty and also improve the way you look at yourself (in a positive way, of course), so why not?

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

If you still have more double eyelid surgery FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Double eyelid surgery FAQs answered