13 things to avoid after breast augmentation

If you have just gotten breast surgery, you can probably already see the results of your breast augmentation and are eager to show off your new body but you need to know that the recovery process takes time. And by knowing what not to do after breast augmentation, you ensure that you will recover well and not compromise the results from your surgery. So here’s a list of things you should avoid after breast augmentation surgery.

What you should avoid after breast augmentation

1. Stretching and lifting your arms

Do not stretch or lift your arms too much for at least 2 months. In particular, any heavy lifting, carrying or pushing should not be performed at all in the first few weeks. For mums, this includes not picking up or carrying your children, and big bags and purses.

You might be curious and try to lift your arms or pull up your breasts to check how your scars or breasts look like but never do that! At least not during your recovery period as this could lead to the wounds reopening. Hold back on your curiosity and be wary of any movements that will put impact your upper body if you want a smooth recovery.

2. Wearing bras with underwire

Wearing bras with underwire too soon can affect the positioning of the implants and hinder your recovery results. Underwire bras can also irritate your wounds and cause infections, especially when your incisions are under your breasts. Wear your compression bra instead and wait at least after 6 months to start wearing underwire bras.

3. Going braless

Your new breasts need to be well supported for at least 2 months after your surgery in order to protect the newly augmented tissue while it heals. Hence, always wear your compression bra (unless you are bathing) as they do a good job in keeping your breasts in place during recovery. This will help maintain the shape of your new breasts and help your breast implants settle in nicely.

And yes, that includes sleeping with your compression bra on. This will prevent your implants from shifting, provide good healing with a nice contour as well as allow you to sleep with comfort.

4. Strenuous activities and exercising

Any rigorous activity gets your blood flowing and as more blood flows to your upper body, it will increase swelling and add to your risk of excessive bleeding. So ditch gym for at least 8 weeks and steer clear of activities like weight lifting and cardio. Not to mention highly active sports such as basketball or volleyball or soccer, as you will taking a hit to your chest.

Think about – there’s a higher chance for your rigorous activities to result in an accident. Even a simple trip-and-fall can cause a hit to your breasts and jeopardize your breast augmentation results. So really, it’s just best to rest and avoid any kind of rigorous activity, and that includes exercising or any kind of intensive manual labor at home.

5. Sex

Having sex is considered a rigorous activity. Firstly, the excess blood flow to your breasts can increase swelling and even put you at risk for excessive bleeding. Secondly, your sweat can compromise your healing process. When your breasts are healing, rigorous actions and movements can make your breast implants more susceptible to damage, breakage, and shifting. It might be hard, but avoid sex after breast augmentation, for at least for 4~6 weeks!

6. Swimming

Swimming involves a lot of stretching and arm motions which will hinder your recovery process. So no swimming for at least 4~6 weeks after your breast augmentation.

7. Hot showers

Getting the surgical area wet can lead to irritation, inflammation, and a higher risk of infection. So keep your incisions dry at all times until your stitches are removed (about a week after surgery). Stay away from hot or cold showers for your upper body until your stitches are removed and use a damp cloth to stay clean instead.

8. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a tendency to thin the blood, and put your at greater risk for excessive bleeding. Additionally, alcohol can cause adverse reactions when it is mixed with certain pain medications. So abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks lest you compromise your breast augmentation results.

9. Smoking

Smoking disrupts the healing process by restricting the vessels and prohibiting healthy blood flow. Smoking also slows down healing, increases the risk of infection of your wounds and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 3 weeks. In fact, you should refrain from smoking 2~3 weeks before and after your breast surgery. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

10. Sleeping on your side or stomach

Never sleep on your stomach for at least 8 weeks post surgery! In fact, sleeping on your sides is just as bad. Both positions actually put extra pressure on your breast implants and might even shift them out of place.

How you sleep and how long you sleep actually matters a lot after getting breast implants. We highly recommend that you sleep on your back and use 1~2 pillows to elevate your head and shoulders. This reduces the risk that your implants will slip and shift. Sleeping on a reclining chair at an angle will help too.

11. Suntanning

Yes, we love the sun too but sun exposure can cause burning, create permanent discoloration, and even increase your risk for infections and complications. So it’s better to stick to the shade, especially during your recovery period. Once you have completely recovered, we recommend you always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF to help reduce and lighten scarring.

12. Eating unhealthy foods

After any surgery, you have to eat well with the correct foods in order to heal well! Your body will need a lot of vitamins and nutrients to keep you from falling sick and help you recover well. Therefore, eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices). Have plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.

Read our article on the top 10 healing foods to eat after surgery to find out which foods will help speed up your recovery process. In addition, if you wish to take any vitamins or supplements, do seek your plastic surgeon’s approval prior to taking them.

13. Shopping for bras

We know how excited you are to go shopping for bras for your new breast. But do note that your bra size will become more accurate after a month after your breast augmentation, so don’t shop for new bras until the healing period is over.


Before you get all excited and eager to show off your new breasts, make sure that you take the time needed for recovery. By knowing what to avoid after breast augmentation and following post-op instructions, you are set for a good recovery and successful results.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

Always remember, rest is a vital part of the recovery process. Your body needs energy to heal itself, so eating a well-balanced diet and getting a solid eight hours of sleep each night allows your body to restore that energy and recover fast!

Most importantly, be patient and get more recovery tips for breast surgery by reading our tips on aftercare and post-op instructions for breast augmentation!

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13 things to avoid after breast augmentation