What are the benefits of a brazilian butt lift?

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As more and more women begin to embrace bigger butts, the brazilian butt lift, a procedure which involves removing your fats from problems areas and transferring them to your buttocks, continues to grow in popularity. So if you have a flat and sagging butt, and is wondering if the brazilian butt lift is your best option, here are the benefits and disadvantages of getting a brazilian butt lift.

What is a brazilian butt lift?

To simply put, a brazilian butt lift is butt augmentation with fat grafting. The procedure involves extracting fats from other parts of your body (usually from problem areas) though liposuction and transferring those fats to your buttocks to create more fullness and volume in your butt.

And because the brazilian butt lift uses your own fats, it is a relatively safe procedure and produces very natural looking results. Results are known to have a very high rate of satisfaction with a low rate of complication. That said however, as with any type of treatments, there are always pros and cons.

Read along to find out about the benefits and disadvantages of a brazilian butt lift.

Benefits of a brazilian butt lift

1. Minimally invasive & safe

Brazilian butt lift is a minimally invasive and relatively safe procedure with a low risk of major complications. As the procedure uses your own fats, there is almost no risk of rejection from your body. Moreover, because you are using your own fats, the results are natural in both look and feel.

2. Quick fix for flat or sagging butts

Though gaining weight can help add fats to your buttocks, you can’t exactly target a specific part of your body to put weight on, can you? And while doing butt exercises can firm and tone your buttocks, if you have a flat butt, it doesn’t help much in creating volume in your butt. If you have flat buttocks, the brazilian butt lift is your best option to add volume to your buttocks.

3. Helps with butt and thigh cellulite

As your butt becomes fuller and firmer, it will help reduce any visible cellulite you may have. In addition, this procedure also lifts your sagging buttocks. Hence, it also helps your legs look toned and reduce the cellulite on your thighs as well.

4. Almost no scarring

One of the biggest benefits of a brazilian butt lift is that there is almost no scarring. The procedure only involves some small incisions on the areas where the fats are extracted and injected in.

5. Short recovery period

The brazilian butt lift procedure, being minimally invasive procedure, means that there is very little downtime and post-op discomfort is minimal. You will experience some swelling and bruising for 1~2 weeks but most people resume their daily activities by a week, though you will be limited to sitting directly on your butt for some time.

6. No risk of implant displacement or migration

Butt implants always carry a risk of displacement or implant migration which can cause pain and a deformed appearance. However, with brazilian butt lift, there are no such risks simply because there is no implant.

7. Instant results & long-lasting results

Results from dieting and exercising takes a long time to show. On the other hand, a brazilian butt lift produces instant and guaranteed results. As long as you do not drastically lose any weight, you can expect your butt lift results to last for a long time.

8. Enhance your body shape

A brazilian butt lift tones and reshapes your butt to help you to enhance and achieve your desired body contours. You can go for an hourglass figure or just simply get a bigger butt – the choice is up to you! The very nature of the brazilian butt lift treatment is that your overall figure will have a slimmer and more contoured shape.

9. Enhance other parts of your body

Besides being a relatively safe procedure, a brazilian butt lift can also help target and remove stubborn fats in problem areas such as stomach, thighs, upper arms, chin etc. and transfer those fats to your buttocks. Talking about killing two birds with one stone!

And if you have excess extracted fats but don’t know where to put it, you should consider the following fat grafting procedures as well:

10. Boost your self-esteem

If your flat and sagging butt is making you feel self-conscious and suffer from a low self-esteem, by transferring unwanted fats from problem areas to areas where volume is needed, you will boost your body confidence and encourage a positive self-image. By being comfortable with your new body, you will start to feel more confident, if not restore your self-confidence.

Disadvantages of a brazilian butt lift

1. Sitting restractions

Depending on your situation (lifestyle, job, etc.), you may be advised not to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for at least 2 weeks, maybe a bit longer. This is so that your results will be more long-lasting.

2. Fat survival is unpredictable

Unfortunately, fat survival can be unpredictable. Typically, about 50% of the fat grafting will be naturally absorbed back by your body over 2~3 months after your 1st session of fat grafting for buttocks. Hence, 2 sessions of fat grafting are usually recommended for long-lasting results.

3. Contour irregularities

If not done well, your butt can appear lumpy. In addition, uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, unusual healing and damage beneath the skin from the cannula used during liposuction procedures can also cause your skin to appear bumpy or wavy.

4. Not for skinny people

Most of the time, patients have enough available fat on their bodies for the brazilian butt lift proceduce. However, some exceptionally thin patients with an extremely low body fat percentage may not have enough excess fats for a fat transfer. In such cases, butt augmentation using silicone implants may be a more suitable option.

5. Surgical risks

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. General or local anesthesia will be used, and that may cause complications for those with underlying diseases or health conditions. Other risks such as skin infections, temporary nerve irritations, puncture of internal organs by cannulas, skin necrosis, are very rare in occurrence but still possible.


With so many benefits of a brazilian butt lift with so little disadvantages, it’s not wonder why the brazilian butt lift is such a sought-after treatment for those with flat and sagging butts! While plastic surgery should not be a substitute for a healthy living lifestyle, it can still improve various aspects of your life such as your health and body shape. And that in turn, encourages positive self-image and improves mental and emotional health.

If you want to know more about liposuction, speak to our consultants.

In fact, after undergoing a brazilian butt lift, most patients tend to develop healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise and good dieting, in order to maintain their brazilian butt lift results. In addition, being confident with your body and having a positive self-image will also help inspire an active lifestyle.

That said, albeit low, any type of surgery involves some form of risks. But you can greatly minimize these risks by making sure your procedure is performed by a professional and experienced board certified plastic surgeon.

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What are the pros and cons of liposuction?
What are the benefits of a brazilian butt lift?