Brazilian butt lift aftercare & post-op instructions

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Thanks to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj, these days, having a full, round and firm butt is being seen as one of the standards of beauty. So many turn to getting a brazlian butt lift. However, the success of your butt lift not only lies in the hands of your surgeon but also the patients. Yes, we are talking about brazilian butt lift aftercare – how you should care for your body after surgery.

What to expect after a brazilian butt lift

1. Bruising & swelling

Expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 1~2 weeks. Keep in mind that everyone heals differently and some may heal quicker or slower than the other, so do be patient and don’t try to quicken the recovery period.

2. Medication

You will be prescribed with painkillers, stomach liners and antibiotics after your surgery. Make sure to take your medications as prescribed by your plastic surgeon.

3. Difficulties with sitting

Pressure on your buttocks can interfere with blood circulation and can cause lesser fat cells to survive. Hence, it is important for you to take special care to not sit directly on your buttocks for at least 3~4 weeks. Doing so will also help maintain the new shape of your buttocks.

4. Compression garment

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with a compression garment that will compress and cover all areas that fat was extracted from but with non-compressive buttock pockets. Do wear your compression garment for at least 2~3 months after your brazilian butt lift surgery. This will provide back and thigh support, prevent fluid buildup and help maintain the shape and contours of your new buttocks.

Brazilian butt lift aftercare & post-op instructions

  1. Do not sit on your buttocks at least 3 weeks, longer if possible. If you have to sit, place a pillow under your thighs and sit as if your buttocks is hanging in the air. After a month, you can sit on a donut pillow or inflatable pillow but only for short periods of time.
  2. Do wear your compression garment for at least 2 months. Try to wear it 24/7 for as long as you can as it helps prevent fluid buildup and provides back and thigh support.
  3. Refrain from driving for at least 6 weeks as pressing on the gas or brake will cause your body to push harder into the seat.
  4. Do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 2 months. Smoking slows down healing and increases the risk of infection of your wounds.
  5. Sleep laying on your stomach or in a rescue position for at least 2 months to avoid putting pressure on your buttocks.
  6. Do not wipe or clean the incisions until stitches are removed. Water can affect sutures, and possibly reopen the incision.
  7. No full showers until your stitches are removed. Getting the surgical area wet can lead to irritation, inflammation, and a higher risk of infection.
  8. Avoid body massages, saunas or soaking in your bathtub for at least 2 months.

Exercise advice

  • Avoid straining your buttock muscles and strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, stretching and intercourse etc. for at least 2 months until after your fat cells have stabilized.
  • Avoid bending over in fast movements or any activities that will raise your blood pressure as it can cause bleeding.
  • Take lots of light walks in the park as it helps reduce swelling, lower the chance of developing blood clots, and avoid constipation.

Food & drink advice

  • Abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks as it thins your blood which causes prolonged bleeding or infections.
  • Avoid salty foods for at least 2 weeks as it contribute to fluid retention and swelling.
  • Reduce caffeine and carbonated drinks intake for the first few days.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices).
  • Eat plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.
Oatmeal & fruits | Hyundai Aesthetics Plastic Surgery
Vitamin C & fruits | Hyundai Aesthetics Plastic Surgery

Medication advice

  • Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless instructed by your surgeon.
  • Avoid using any over-the-counter ointments unless recommended by your surgeon.
  • If you have regular medication (eg. blood pressure or hypertension medication etc.), consult your surgeon on when you can resume taking them.
  • Take your prescriptions regularly as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Do not take your medications on an empty stomach.

Extra brazilian butt lift aftercare tips for speedy recovery

1. Sunscreen

Avoid direct sun exposure and UV rays to your scars as much as possible. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use a strong sunblock (SPF 30 or greater) to protect your scars. Otherwise, there is risk of hyperpigmentation if you are not careful.

2. Eat a well-balanced diet

This means lots of fruits and vegetables, but not forgetting your meats. And stay away from sweets and processed food, obviously. Fruits such as pineapples, berries and apples are known to help reduce swelling. Vegetables, especially dark leafy greens like spinach and broccoli, and meats, preferably white meats, help expedite healing and fight infections.

3. Sleep, sleep & sleep

Healing requires a lot of energy, so you’ll probably feel more tired than usual. Take lots of naps and sleep early at night. In fact, having a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to accelerate your recovery process. The recovery period is the best time for you to do nothing and watch netflix!

4. Sleep laying on your stomach or rescue position

The best and most suitable positions for sleep after a brazilian butt lift is either laying on your stomach or sleeping in a rescue position on your side. Avoid sleeping directly on your side and it will put extra pressure on one hip and risk one side of your buttocks becoming flat.

Here’s how to sleep in a rescue position:

  1. Lay flat on your stomach
  2. Bend your knees up towards the abdomen area
  3. Seems like you are kind of lying on your side but not lying on your side
  4. Pressure of body weight is on thighs instead
  5. Further get rid of pressure by placing pillows under your thigh.
Sleeping in a rescue position after brazilian butt lift

5. Sitting with your brazilian butt lift

The best way to sit after your brazilian butt lift is by placing a pillow under your thighs and have your butt hanging in the air so there is no pressure on your buttocks. Sit that way for at least 3~4 weeks. This is very important to avoid putting pressure on the fat graft and to achieve long lasting results.

After a month, you may sit on a donut pillow or inflatable pillow but only for short periods of time.

6. Always wear your compression garment

We must assert how important wearing your compression garment is. The compression garment will help compress the areas where fats were extracted to reduce swelling, prevent fluid buildup and help promote skin conformity. Wear it 24/7 for at least 2 months or for as long as you can and don’t take it off unless you are showering.

7. Do not miss any follow-up appointments

Follow-up appointments are necessary for your doctor to check on how you have been healing. It is also the best time for you to ask questions and get further clarifications on what you have experienced during your recovery period.

Seek medical advice asap if you experience:

  • Persistent fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher
  • Increased pain, swelling, and redness at your surgical areas not being relieved by medication
  • Bleeding from the incisions that is difficult to control with light pressure
  • Constant yellowish or greenish pus (especially with foul odor) from the incisions
  • Loosening or reopening of incisions
  • Side effects to medications such as, rash, nausea, headache, vomiting or constipation
  • Sudden shortness of breath or have trouble breathing
  • Any unexplained or unexpected symptoms
If you want to know more about brazilian butt lift, speak to our consultants.

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Brazilian butt lift aftercare & post-op instructions