Lip surgery FAQs answered

Lips may not be the most prominent feature on your face yet they do, very much, affect the overall appearance of your face. In fact, according to studies, a woman’s lips are the most attractive part of her body. Think Angelina Jolie. If you are looking to get a lip surgery, here’s a list of must-knows lip surgery FAQs and its answers.

Common lip surgery FAQs

Are you a good candidate for lip augmentation?

The ideal candidate for lip augmentation is one who is in good overall health and in a healthy weight range. Additionally, as lip surgery involves scarring (though scars will fade as time passes), the patient should be prepared mentally and emotionally as well.

What are the different types of lip surgery?

There’s no doubt that rosy and luscious lips are one of the most appealing features of a woman’s beauty. And says who you can’t have them if you don’t have them? These are the most popular type of lip surgeries in Korea:

To learn more about lip surgery, read our ultimate guide to lip surgery.

Lip lift surgery vs. lip fillers vs. lip fat grafting for lip augmentation

There are 3 ways to plump up your lip volume – lip fillers, lip fat grafting and lip lift surgery. When most patients think about lip augmentation, lip fillers are the most popular choice. Because lip fillers produce the most satisfying results, although fillers are only temporary and lasts only 6~8 months.

Lip fat grafting is also another popular option as the major advantage is that it is permanent. However, the problem is that fat does not survive predictably within the lips because lips move so much. And sometimes, this can cause lumpiness in your lips.

Another option for lip augmentation is lip lift surgery, also known as bullhorn lip lift or philtrum reduction. More often than ever, aging lengthens your philtrum, making you look older. If you are looking to add volume to your lips and fix a long philtrum, lip lift surgery is your best option.

Can lip surgery fix downturned lips?

Downturned lips and droopy mouth corners can make you look older and grumpier than you really are. In such cases, a smile lift surgery can help fix it.

Can lip surgery fix marionette lines?

Having marionette lines will make your mouth corners appear downturned, which in turn makes you look older and grumpy. The most effective treatment for marionette lines is the marionette line removal surgery, especially if you have deep marionette lines. The surgery will improve, if not eliminate, the appearance of laugh lines by removing excess bulging fats at the mouth corners.

Can lip surgery correct a long philtrum?

As you age, your lips become thinner and loses its perkiness, and your philtrum becomes longer. As a result, your face looks longer and you look older. Sometimes, a long philtrum can become more obvious after getting a double jaw surgery too. The best way to correct a long philtrum is with philtrum reduction surgery.

In addition, a philtrum reduction can also restore a youthful look by giving your upper lip a slightly fuller look. Learn more about the benefits of philtrum reduction by reading this article.

Can lip surgery fix a cleft lip?

A cleft palate or cleft lip is a birth defect that often affect the construction of the nose and lips. Sometimes if is not corrected, you might have difficulties breathing, eating and even speaking. While a cleft palate or lip may be corrected to improve the appearance of a person, it is mostly recognized as a medical condition.

A cleft lip surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects the gap in the upper lip and can help restore both the appearance and function of the upper lips and palate. In some extreme cases of deformity, lip surgery  rhinoplasty might also be required to repair nose structural issues that result from a cleft palate.

Can you get lip surgery if you have lip fillers?

If you are looking to undergo lip surgery, you should either wait until your lip fillers have dissolved or remove your lip fillers before getting lip surgery.

Is lip surgery dangerous?

Lip surgery is not a high risk surgery, but it sure is a life changing decision. Sure, most lip surgeries are mostly “wants” and not “needs”, but don’t underestimate how your lips can influence the way you look, especially when you have droopy mouth corners.

What is recovery like?

After your lip surgery, expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 2~3 weeks. During recovery, do not rub, stretch or put pressure on your lips until all wounds have completely healed and avoid using a straw for at least a month. Do not open your mouth too wide or pout or purse your lips during healing. It will help speed up the healing process and also prevents other complications from arising.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, do avoid strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and intercourse etc. for at least 3 weeks. Do maintain proper oral hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infections to your incisions.

When can you see results from your lip surgery?

Major swelling and bruising for lip surgery lasts up to 3 weeks but you should be able to see pretty accurate results after 1 month. Final results can be seen after 6 to 12 months. 

How long does results from lip surgery last?

The results of lip surgery are mostly permanent and lasts for a lifetime. In most cases, you can’t reverse the procedure, so make sure that you need or really want the surgery before getting it.

Can you smoke or drink after a lip surgery?

The success of your lip surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

Are lip surgery scars noticeable?

Scarring is inevitable for most lip surgeries but scars do fade over time. That is if you follow post-op instructions carefully and thoroughly. Lip surgery aftercare must not be taken lightly. Get more post-op instructions and aftercare tips for lip surgery here.

Can you go for suntanning after a lip surgery?

We all love the sun but sun exposure can create permanent discoloration of scars, and increase your risk for infections and complications. So stick to the shade, especially during recovery. Even after you have completely recovered, always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF. This will help reduce and lighten scarring.


There are plenty of reasons why people opt to undergo lip surgery. But for whatever reasons, your choice to undergo lip surgery should not be frown upon. In fact, it takes a lot of courage for one to decide on a change and to go through the recovery process.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

Most importantly, if you are looking to get lip surgery, make sure that you get an experienced board certified plastic surgeon who is skilled in lip surgery for the best results! If you still have more lip surgery FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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