Rhinoplasty FAQs answered

If you are looking to get or have gotten a rhinoplasty in Korea, you will probably have a lot of questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of rhinoplasty FAQs and its answers.

Common rhinoplasty FAQs

What is the best age to undergo rhinoplasty?

There isn’t any ideal age to get a nose job but it is recommended to wait until your nose have stopped growing, typically after age 18. Usually by that age, you have matured physically and mentally, and your skin still maintains its youthful elasticity.

Are you a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

In general, there is no strict criteria required to be a candidate for rhinoplasty. The ideal candidate for a nose job is one who is in a good health condition and is at least 18 years old.

What are the common reasons for patients to undergo rhinoplasty?

Many patients undergo rhinoplasty for many reasons. Some to improve their aesthetics, while others, to fix nasal issues such as breathing difficulties. Here’s how a nose job can benefit you:

  • Increase the height of your nose bridge
  • Lengthen or shorten your nose
  • Change the size, shape, or angle of your nose
  • Smoothen the hump or dip in your nose
  • Define the tip of your nose
  • Improve the appearance of your nostrils
  • Correct a deviated septum and/or other structural issues
  • Improve breathing
  • Repair your nose after trauma or injury

What are the different types of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a simple yet complex procedure. And more often than never, many tend to combine a few procedures together, in order to get the results they want to achieve. Regardless, the procedures you will need to undergo largely depends on your current nose shape, and your needs and preferences. 

  • Flat nose rhinoplasty – to elevate the height of nose bridge, and also make the nose tip more projected
  • Short nose rhinoplasty – to lengthen your nose by adjusting the projection of your nose tip and columella
  • Tipplasty – to lift, lower, or create a new nose tip
  • Hump removal surgeryshaving down a nose hump to create a smooth nose bridge
  • Alarplasty – to reduce the size of your nostrils
  • Lateral osteotomy (wide nose surgery) – to reduce the width of a wide nose bridge
  • Septoplasty – to repair a deviated septum by straightening the nasal bone and cartilage
  • Revision rhinoplasty –  to fix any unsatisfactory results from previous nose job

What is the difference between an open and closed rhinoplasty?

The open rhinoplasty approach involves a cut across your columella (the narrow strip of skin separating your nostrils) and allows the surgeon full access to your nose for accurate placements and reshaping. Whereas the closed rhinoplasty approach involves incisions inside your nose, so there’s no obvious scarring. However, this method limits the surgeon’s access of your nose and increases the risk of implant deviation and infection.

Therefore, if you require major or complex reshaping of your nose, the open rhinoplasty approach would be your best option. The closed rhinoplasty approach is mostly used only for minor work on the nose tip

What are the benefits of a rhinoplasty?

Well, getting rhinoplasty may not be all about aesthetics! In fact, rhinoplasty can actually benefit your health by alleviating breathing problems and eliminating sinus issues which in turn, help improve your sleep. Apart from improving your aesthetics, it can also improve your health physically, mentally and emotionally. Find out more about rhinoplasty benefits in details by reading our article on the benefits of getting rhinoplasty.

What is the best material to use for rhinoplasty?

In general, silicone implants (for nose bridge), ear cartilage or septal cartilage (for nose tip) are the most frequently used materials for rhinoplasty. Rib cartilages are also another popular option.

Needless to say, the main advantage of using your cartilages in your nose job is that it is your natural body tissue. Using your own cartilages will lower the risk of infection, inflammation as well as rejection. Check out our article on the best type of cartilage used on nose job for more details.

That said, all materials come with their pros and cons so it is best to consult your plastic surgeon to find out which is most suitable for you. For more detailed information on the materials that can be used, check out our complete guide on a Korean nose job.

Can you get rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery together?

Yes, it is possible to get both rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) together so that you only undergo one surgery instead of two. However, do note that this combination will likely cause more bruising of your eyelids.

When can you get revision rhinoplasty?

Do allow your wounds from the previous surgery to completely heal before getting a revision. If you are not satisfied with the results of your previous rhinoplasty and want a revision, revision surgery can typically be done 6 months after your previous nose job.

Can you get revision rhinoplasty with silicone after getting rib cartilage rhinoplasty?

Yes, it may be possible. But it depends on various factors so it is best to check with your plastic surgeon if it is possible.

Do you have to remove any nose fillers or threads before getting rhinoplasty?

Yes, especially when your nose job involves nasal bridge augmentation. All nose fillers or threads should be completely removed at least 3 days before your rhinoplasty.

What is recovery like?

After a nose job, you will experience major bruising and swelling at your nose and eye area for about 1 week. Typically, 70% of bruising and swelling will be gone in 2 weeks and rest of the swelling will subside within 1~3 months.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, vigorous exercises such as gym workouts and swimming is prohibited for at least 3 weeks. But it is recommended to take lots of light walks to help hasten the recovery period.

Read our article on nose surgery aftercare and post-op instructions for more answers on your post-op rhinoplasty FAQs.

How hard is it to breathe through nasal packing?

Nasal packing is a gauze-like material placed inside your nose to help to control bleeding and will be removed after 1~2 days. It may be hard to breathe through your nose and you might have to breathe through your mouth until the packing is removed.

How long should you wear the nose splint?

You will be required to wear a nose splint for 3~4 days after your nose surgery. The purpose of the nose splint is to hold your cartilage and bone in their new position while they heal. It will also help minimize swelling, and to protect your new nose, so wear it for as long as advised by your plastic surgeon.

Can you smoke or drink after undergoing rhinoplasty?

The success of your nose job not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

When can you start washing your face after undergoing rhinoplasty?

Avoid touching or washing your nose area until all stitches are removed. Do not even use wet tissues or wet wipes on your nose area. You may remove any nose mucus or boogers with q-tips, but gently and carefully to make sure that you do not touch the incisions.

What are the side effects of rhinoplasty?

Major bruising and swelling might last for a few weeks after your nose job but it is common and will subside. In worse case scenarios, complications such as capsular contracture can lead to short nose surgery.

Will your nasal bone become weaker after rhinoplasty?

Once you recover fully from your nose job, your nose bones are back to as strong as they were before surgery. A nose job does not make your bones weaker and they should be strong enough to not break unless they take a serious hit. But still, it is possible to break your nose after a nose job because accidents and injuries can happen, and the damage might affect the results of your previous nose job. In such cases, you will need a revision nose job.

Can you rub or do piggy nose after rhinoplasty?

Yes, rubbing your nose gently after rhinoplasty is usually ok. However, vigorous rubbing will be painful and is not recommended for 3-4 weeks after your nose job. It will be possible for you to do piggy nose after your nose surgery has totally healed.

How many times can you get rhinoplasty?

Each additional nose job comes with additional complications. Therefore, it is recommended to let your plastic surgeon know your nose job history and check if it is possible to do another nose job. On average, a patient will be able to get nose revision surgery for up to 4~5 times.

Are rhinoplasty scars noticeable?

If you undergo an open rhinoplasty, the incisions are tiny and placed strategically at your columella so that they can be camouflaged within the natural flaps of your skin. Whereas if you undergo a closed rhinoplasty, the scars are inside the nose and are not visible at all. Regardless, if you follow post-op instructions and heal properly, your scars will not be very visible and fade over time.

Are rhinoplasty results permanent?

In short, yes. In the hands of competent and experienced surgeon, the results of your nose job should last forever, unless you encounter issues such as contracture or severe inflammation. If you have used silicone for your nose bridge, your results are likely to be permanent. However, if you have used other materials such as rib cartilage or other autologous cartilage, there is a high chance of reabsorption or warping.


There are many reasons why our patients choose to undergo rhinoplasty. For one, getting rhinoplasty can help alleviate breathing issues. In addition, you can enhance your beauty and also improve the way you look at yourself (in a positive way, of course), so why not?

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

If you still have more rhinoplasty FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Rhinoplasty FAQs answered