Can you gain weight after liposuction?

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Many might see liposuction as a quick fix for obesity, but liposuction is not some magical weight loss procedure. Sure, it can permanently remove fats in the treated areas, but it will not prevent you from gaining weight for the rest of your life. So, can you gain weight after liposuction? The short answer is yes. That said, here’s how you can maintain the great results from liposuction.

Understanding what liposuction can do

First things first, you need to know what liposuction is. Liposuction is a type of body contouring cosmetic procedure that targets to remove unwanted stubborn fats in specific areas of your face and body. It is technically not a weight-loss solution but it can help you reshape and contour your body for a tighter, more toned appearance.

The ideal candidate for liposuction is one whose whose body weight is within 30% of their ideal weight, has firm and elastic skin, and is in good health. And as with any type of treatments, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Read here to learn more about the pros and cons of liposuction.

Can you gain weight after liposuction?

The fact – removing fat cells from areas of your body makes it harder to regain fat in those treated areas. But that does not mean that you will not be able to gain weight after liposuction.

After liposuction, there will be fewer fat cells in the treated areas and removed fats will not regrow. However, remaining fat cells as well as fat cells in other parts of your body can still grow larger. New fat cells can also develop in all parts of your body. Especially if you continue to eat unhealthily and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is very possible to experience weight gain after liposuction.

So if you wish to maintain the fantastic results from your lipo procedure, here are some actions you can take.

How to maintain results after liposuction?

1. Maintain a healthy diet

Although liposuction removes stubborn fats from your body, that doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want afterwards and not see any weight gain. In order to retain the fabulous results from your liposuction, you should maintain a healthy diet, one that does not have too much calories or fats.

Here’s how to maintain a healthy diet:

  • Limit your sugars eg. soft drinks, sweets etc.
  • Avoid high-sodium foods such as smoked or canned meat, pizzas, salted nuts etc.
  • Avoid fatty processed foods and saturated fats such as pork, beef, spam etc.
  • Replace some of your meat intake with high protein foods such as lean chicken, beans, fish etc.
  • Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains

2. Follow a regular exercise regime

Exercising after liposuction (after the recovery period, of course) can also help improve your liposuction results. By exercising regularly, especially with high-cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming and weight-lifting, you can tone muscles and burn fats.

A regular exercise routine can keep existing fat cells from enlarging and also help you to avoid developing new ones. With less stubborn fat on your body, you will be more motivated to continue working out as well.

3. Always hydrate your body

Make sure to maintain hydration, especially when exercising or living in hot or dry environments. Proper hydration helps your metabolism and digestion. So drink plenty of water throughout the day to help you maintain energy levels and avoid snacking.

4. Eat frequent, small meals

Skipping meals can cause your metabolism to slow down and increase stress levels which will lead to weight gain. Hence, eat several smaller meals throughout the day and don’t skip your meals. In fact, eating 5-7 smaller meals instead of the traditional 3 meals a day can help you avoid snacking throughout the day and maintain even energy levels.

5. Don’t lose or gain a lot of weight

Try to maintain a stable post-lipo weight. Gaining weight after liposuction definitely will have a negative effect on your results but losing a fair amount of weight can also affect your results. So best to do what you can to maintain a steady weight so you can enjoy your liposuction results for as long as possible.

6. Get rid of unwanted stress

Stress raises cortisol levels, which creates cravings for unhealthy foods. That is why stress remains as one of the main causes of unwanted weight gain. So reduce stress by staying positive and striving for a consistent daily routine.

A few ways to reduce stress includes reducing your caffeine intake, meditating, listening to soothing music and exercising.

7. Quit smoking

Nicotine can shrink your blood vessels and obstruct proper blood flow which can affect the healing process, in a bad way of course. In addition, smoking also affects your body’s ability to absorb a variety of vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamins C and D. So it’s best to refrain from smoking before and after your surgery, and ideally, forever.


Getting liposuction is not the end for a healthy, well-toned physique. If you want to maintain your fat-free, toned body after liposuction, you should also follow the above 7 simple steps mentioned.

If you want to know more about liposuction, speak to our consultants.

Not only are those 7 steps a good way to maintain a healthy, fat-free body, they also keep fats away, and help you retain the great results from your liposuction procedure.

If you want to know more about the procedure, do read our liposuction FAQs for more information.

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Can you gain weight after liposuction?