Korean V-line surgery FAQs answered

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In general, having an angular jawline makes one look masculine while on the other hand, having a small, slender and v-shaped jawline makes one look more feminine and younger. If you are looking to get facial contouring surgery or V-line surgery, you will probably have a lot of questions and need answers. By knowing more about the surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of Korean V-line surgery FAQs and its answers.

Common Korean V-line surgery FAQs

What is Korean V-line surgery?

Typically, the Korean V-line surgery consists of a set of facial contouring surgeries aim to enhance the appearance of your lower face by reshaping your jawline from a “U” shape to a more feminine “V” shape. This set of facial contouring surgeries include:

What are the benefits of facial contouring surgery?

Benefits of facial contouring surgery include:

  • Reduce the width of wide jaws
  • Soften overly angular or protruding jaws
  • Augment short or weak or receding chins
  • Correct jaw asymmetries
  • Improved function of your teeth (esp. for asymmetrical jaws)
  • Sculpt a sharper and more defined lower face profile
  • Enhances the overall facial proportions and balance
  • Psychological benefits such as improved confidence, positive self-image etc.
  • Health benefits such as improved sleep, breathing, chewing and swallowing
  • Improvement in speech impairments

Are you a good candidate for V-line jaw surgery?

The ideal candidate for V-line jaw surgery is one who is in a good health condition with an active and healthy lifestyle. In general, facial contouring surgery is suitable for those who want to correct:

  • Wide and round lower jaws
  • Angular or square jaws
  • Long or asymmetrical jaws
  • Protruding jaws

Is Korean V-line surgery dangerous?

Facial contouring surgery is a high-risk operation because the jaw and cheekbone areas are full of nerves. Though the risk of complication is low, sometimes infections and other side effects such as asymmetry cheekbones, nerve damage could occur. Hence, you will require a highly experienced surgeon with meticulous and delicate skills to perform such surgeries in order to avoid any nerve damage.

What are the side effects or risk associated with Korean V-line surgery?

As with all other surgical procedures, facial contouring surgeries does come with some side effects and risks of its own. Side effects and risks include:

  • Droopy or saggy skin at jawline – occurs if excessive bones are being removed but can be fixed with treatments such as thread lift or SMAS facelift.
  • Irreversible results when too much bones are cut off
  • Risk of nerve damage if your surgeon is not skilled enough

What are the non-surgical ways to get a slimmer face shape?

Although dramatic changes cannot be achieved through non-surgical facial contouring procedures, these non-invasive treatments are great alternatives:

The only downside with non-surgical treatments is that results are only temporary and sometimes, you might require more than one treatment to even see results.

Facial contouring surgery vs. jaw botox

Jaw botox is great for reducing the size of your jaw muscles but if over-developed jaw bones are the cause of your angular jaw shape, facial contouring surgery, rather than botox, will be more effective for you. This is because facial contouring surgery targets the bones, while botox only reduces muscle size which will not be helpful in the case of over-developed bones. 

How long does results of Korean V-line jaw surgery last?

The results of facial contouring surgery are permanent and lasts for a lifetime. Once you cut off the excess jawbones, it will not regrow, so make sure that you really want the surgery before getting it. That said, be careful not to overdo it as well!

Can facial contouring surgery fix overly protruding chins?

If you have an overly protruding or receding chin, sliding genioplasty will be the most effective treatment for you. The sliding method is mostly used when there is no need to remove excess bones. In addition, this method avoids your nerves so only your chin will be cut.

Can facial contouring surgery fix angular jawlines?

Overly prominent jawlines are usually caused by overdeveloped jawbone structure so square jaw reduction surgery is the most effective way to get rid of angular and square jaws. In these cases, excess bones are shaved off and sometimes, unnecessary muscles are removed in order to contour the jawbones to your preferred angles and shape. 

What is recovery like?

After your V-line surgery, expect major bruising and swelling (about 70%) on your lower face will last 2~3 weeks. The actual results can be seen after 3 months. During the recovery period, you will be required to wear a facial bandage to protect and keep your jaws in their new position while they heal.

Since you will not be able to brush your teeth for about 1~2 weeks after the surgery, gargle often with the prescribed gargling solution to maintain oral hygiene as it will help reduce the risk of infections. Do also expect lots of drooling for the first few days but do not worry as it is normal.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, avoid strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, biking and intercourse for at least 3 weeks. In addition, do not use your jaw muscles excessively and open your mouth too big for at least 1-2 months.

Get more detailed post-op and aftercare tips for facial contouring surgery here.

Can you smoke or drink after facial contouring surgery?

The success of your facial contouring surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

How long should you wear the facial compression bandage?

You will be required to wear a facial bandage for at least 1 week after your V-line surgery. The purpose of the facial bandage is to protect and keep your jaws in their new position while they heal. So do leave it on and wear it whenever possible, or as advised by your plastic surgeon.

Will getting v-line surgery affect mouth functions?

No, V-line jaw surgery is not intended to affect your ability to chew, swallow or speak. You may experience some discomfort and limitations during the recovery period, but this is normal and will improve over time. 

Will the shaved jaw bones grow back?

Typically, bones can repair themselves to some extent, but they cannot regenerate or replace themselves fully. The results of V-line surgery are permanent.

Are Korean V-line jaw surgery scars noticeable?

Fortunately, all incisions required for jawline surgery are performed inside the mouth so scarring is not visible at all. That said, make sure to maintain proper dental hygiene, especially during the recovery period, to avoid infections.


Despite V-line surgery being a high risk surgery, many still opt to go for it. Because facial proportions very much influences how you look. With a slender and v-shaped face, you will look much younger as well as more feminine.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

But take note that V-line surgery requires extreme precision in order to achieve symmetrical results and avoid any nerve damage on the jaw. Hence, it is very important that you get a highly experienced surgeon with meticulous skills to perform the surgery.

If you still have more Korean V-line surgery FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Korean V-line surgery FAQs answered