Lip surgery aftercare & post-op instructions

Lip surgery might not be a high risk surgery but it sure is a life changing decision. Sure, lip surgeries are mostly “wants” and not “needs” but hey, your lips can influence the way you look a great deal, especially when the corners of your mouths are drooping. However, the success of the plastic surgery not only lies in the hands of your surgeon but also the patients. Yes, we are talking about lip surgery aftercare – how you should care for your lips after surgery.

Particularly for lip surgeries where scars are of great concern, extra care should be taken to make sure that the scars don’t stay! In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on what to expect after your lip surgery, post-op instructions and tips on aftercare. Recover well, heal quick, and enjoy the results of your lip surgery.

What to expect after lip surgery

1. Bruising & swelling

Expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 2~3 weeks. Typically, about 70% of the bruising and swelling is lost within 2 weeks, and most of the swelling will be gone in 3 months.

2. Medicines & gargling solution

You will be prescribed with painkillers, stomach liners, antibiotics and gargling solution after your surgery. Make sure to take your medications and gargle often, as prescribed by your plastic surgeon.

3. Scarring

Scarring is inevitable for most lip surgeries but scars do fade over time. That is if you follow post-op instructions carefully and thoroughly. Aftercare must not be taken lightly.

Lip surgery aftercare & post-op instructions

  1. Do not rub, stretch or put pressure on your lips until all wounds have completely healed.
  2. Do not open your mouth wide at least 1 month lest you reopen the incisions and prolong the healing process.
  3. Do not pout or purse your lips or use a straw for at least 1 month.
  4. Maintain proper oral hygiene and dental care to reduce the risk of infections in your mouth.
  5. Moisturize your lips with Vaseline or Carmex and similar lip balms up to three weeks. Do avoid using tinted lip balms.
  6. Do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 3 weeks. Smoking slows down healing and increases the risk of infection of your wounds.
  7. Keep your head elevated and sit upright as much as possible to help minimize swelling.
  8. Sleeping and resting with your head raised on 2~3 pillows to help minimize swelling.
  9. Do not wipe or clean the incisions until stitches are removed. Water can affect sutures, and possibly reopen the incision.
  10. Apply cold compress or icepacks to your lips to help reduce swelling for the first 3~4 days.
  11. Avoid facial massages, saunas and laser procedures (e.g. LPL, fraser laser etc.) for at least 1 month.

Exercise advice

  • Avoid strenuous exercises such as aerobics, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, biking and intercourse for at least 3 weeks.
  • Avoid bending over and activities that will raise your blood pressure.
  • Take lots of light walks in the park as it helps reduce swelling, lower the chance of developing blood clots, and avoid constipation.

Food & drink advice

  • Expect to follow a light or soft food diet as it might be hard for you to open your mouth and eat during the first few days after your surgery.
  • Abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks as it thins your blood which causes prolonged bleeding or infections.
  • Avoid salty foods for at least 2 weeks as it contribute to fluid retention and swelling.
  • Reduce caffeine and carbonated drinks intake for the first few days.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices).
  • Eat plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.
Milkshakes & Juices
Pumpkin soup

Medication advice

  • Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless instructed by your surgeon.
  • Avoid using any over-the-counter ointments unless recommended by your surgeon.
  • If you have regular medication (eg. blood pressure or hypertension medication etc.), consult your surgeon on when you can resume taking them.
  • Take your medications regularly as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Do not take your medications on an empty stomach.
  • Apply the prescribed ointment with a Q-tips or clean fingers.

Makeup advice

  • Do not apply any lipstick or lip gloss for at least 2 weeks as it will increase risk of infection and permanent discoloration of skin.
  • Avoid makeup around your lips as well.

Extra lip surgery aftercare tips for speedy recovery

1. Dental care

Do maintain proper oral hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infections to your incisions.

2. Eat a well-balanced diet

This means lots of fruits and vegetables, but not forgetting your meats. And stay away from sweets and processed food, obviously. Fruits such as pineapples, berries and apples are known to help reduce swelling. Vegetables, especially dark leafy greens like spinach and broccoli, and meats, preferably white meats, help expedite healing and fight infections.

Keep a full liquid diet for 2~4 weeks and gradually move to soft foods. Most importantly, avoid chewy foods for at least 3 months after your surgery as your jaws are still healing.

3. Sleep, sleep & sleep

Healing requires a lot of energy, so you’ll probably feel more tired than usual. Take lots of naps and sleep early at night. In fact, having a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to accelerate your recovery process.

4. Restrict lip movements

Do avoid opening your mouth too wide or pouting or pursing your lips during healing. It will help speed up the healing process and also prevents other complications from arising.

5. Don’t smoke

Smoking during the recovery period of a lip surgery is a big no-no! Not only will smoking delay recovery and lead to infections, it might worsen scarring and leave pigmentation.

Seek medical advice asap if you experience:

  • Persistent fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher
  • Increased pain, swelling, and redness at your surgical areas not being relieved by medication
  • Bleeding from the incisions that is difficult to control with light pressure
  • Constant yellowish or greenish pus (especially with foul odor) from the incisions
  • Loosening or reopening of incisions
  • Side effects to medications such as, rash, nausea, headache, vomiting or constipation
  • Sudden shortness of breath or have trouble breathing
  • Any unexplained or unexpected symptoms
If you want to know more about lip surgeries, speak to our consultants.

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Lip surgery aftercare & post-op instructions