What are your options to treat droopy eyelids?

Droopy eyelids can change more than just your appearance, they can actually block your peripheral vision. Prolonged droopiness in eyelids can actually cause poor vision or even vision loss in the long run.

So when you look in the mirror and realize that your eyes look sleepy, even when you are not sleepy, it is undeniable that you have droopy eyes. And if you have droopy eyes, it is no doubt that you should get it treated.

Treating your droopy eyelids could be for cosmetic purposes, but mostly importantly, it is for functional purposes. And there are several surgical options available to treat droopy eyes. Here are the different options available to fixing drooping eyelids.

What causes droopy eyelids?

There are two main reasons why you have droopy eyelids:

  • Weak eye muscles due to a condition called ptosis
  • Saggy eyelid skin due to the natural aging process

Ptosis could be present at birth. Sometimes, even babies are born with it. Whereas for others, ptosis can be developed due to a trauma or a nerve injury causing damage to the eye muscles.

However, most droopy eyelids can been seen in older adults because of the natural aging process. As the skin around your eyes is thin and delicate, and because you are always using your eyes, your eye muscles and skin stretches and get weak. As a result, causing lax, droopy eyelids.

What are the symptoms of droopy eyelids?

A surefire indication that you have droopy eyelids is when one or both your upper eyelids sag. To be honest, many people do have ptosis but it is barely noticeable so they don’t know that they have it. But in severe cases, it can block your vision.

Other symptoms include dry or watery eyes, and you may notice that your face looks weary or tired, even when you are not. Some people with severely drooping eyelids might even have to tip their head back and lift their chin to see better. Or even use their eyebrow muscles to open their eyes.

Overtime, such motions can cause poor vision and the development of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, especially on your forehead.

Best surgery options for droopy eyelids

If you realize that you have droopy eyes, even if the condition is not severe, you should no doubt fix it. And here are some of your options for fixing those drooping eyelids.

1. Ptosis correction surgery

If you have droopy eyelids due to ptosis, ptosis correction surgery is warranted. And even if its mild ptosis, you should definitely get it treated before your condition worsens. Because prolonged ptosis can lead to poor vision, and in extreme cases, vision loss.

Ptosis correction surgery is suitable for you when:

  • Your upper eyelid is covering at least 1/3 of your pupil
  • You are using your eyebrow and forehead muscles to open your eyes
  • You often have to tip your head back and lift their chin to see better
  • Your peripheral vision is blocked due to sagging eyelids
  • You have lazy or sleepy eyes and cannot fully open your eyes

2. Sub-brow lift surgery

A sub-brow lift surgery is especially common among the middle-aged as it is very effective for treating saggy eyelid skin caused by aging. Sub-brow lifting is suitable for:

  • Those who want to fix droopy eyelids but not get double eyelids
  • Those who wish to maintain their existing double eyelid but fix sagging eyelid skin
  • Those with excess eyelid fats and skin under the eyebrows (puffy and thick eyelids)
  • Those sporting a large space between their eye and eyebrows
  • Those with drooping eyelids and/or eyebrows due to aging
  • Those who have asymmetric eyebrows due to sagging eyelids

3. Forehead lift surgery

Forehead lift surgeries, such as traditional forehead lift and endotine forehead lift, are popular among those who are suffering from droopy eyes and droopy forehead. These procedures are most suitable for you when:

  • The distance between your eyebrow and eye is narrow
  • You have mild ptosis due to sagging forehead skin
  • You have hooded eyelids (puffy or thick “sausage” eyelids)
  • Your forehead is showing signs of droopiness
  • Your eyebrows are drooping or asymmetrical

4. Upper blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty, also know as double eyelid surgery, is performed to create double eyelids (if you have monolids) or to enhance your existing double eyelids. If the cause of your drooping eyelids is not due to ptosis, double eyelid surgery can help with lifting droopy eyes. Upper blepharoplasty is suitable for:

  • Those who want to fix their droopy eyes but at the same time, also change the appearance of their eyes
  • Those who are experiencing droopy eyes due to sagging skin but not ptosis
  • Those with droopy monolids who don’t mind to have double eyelids

How long do results of droopy eyelids surgery last?

Major swelling and bruising can last up to a month and actual results can typically be seen in 3~6 months. The results are generally long lasting, and could last up to a decade, but it largely depends on your nature aging process and how well you take care of your eyes.

Do take note that the success of your eyelid surgery not only lies in the hands of your surgeon but also how you well you recover after surgery. So learn how to properly care for yourself during the recovery period by reading our article on eyelid surgery aftercare and post-op instructions.


By now, you should already know how important it is to get your droopy eyes fixed. Even if its not for cosmetic purposes, at least for functional purposes.

If you want to know more about this procedure, speak to our consultants.

And there is no ideal age to start correcting those sagging eyelids. In fact, the earlier the better, before your condition gets worse.

And most importantly, because the eye area is very sensitive and delicate, make sure to get a reliable and skillful plastic surgeon who is experienced in eyelid surgeries. Because only an experienced surgeon will be able to tell which procedure is most suitable for treating your droopy eyes and produce the best results for you.

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What are your options to treat droopy eyelids?