Botox – Must knows, procedure and side effects

As we age, we can’t help but notice those fine lines appearing on your faces – those crow’s feet that gather at the corner of our eyes, those neck wrinkles or those droopy lip corners. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great growing up. We become more mature, advance in our careers and enjoy the perks of being adults.

Some age, others use botox.

But as we get older, we can’t avoid wrinkles and fine lines either. Sometimes, they are so minor so we just shrug them off. Other times, they make us look older than we are, or even look angry when we aren’t. In all truthfulness, no one digs those lines.

We can’t ignore them. Because they are there when we look into the mirror everyday. And what’s worse, we can’t really cover them with makeup either. Thankful, we have botox to treat them. But what is it, what are its benefits, and most importantly, is it safe?

What is botox?

Botulinum toxin is a drug that paralyses and weakens your muscles. And when used correctly and in small doses, it actually benefits you, both medically and cosmetically. Countless research and studies have shown that when used correctly, botox is a very safe procedure with very little side effects. It is actually used for medical purposes such as muscle movement disorders, excessive sweating, migraines, eyelid spasms etc.

But worldwide, it’s most popular for its use for aesthetic purposes. It not only reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, but can even contour your jaw line. And though its effects are temporary, it is still the best option available for the removal of facial wrinkles.

How does botox work?

Botox is a neurotoxin that targets the nervous system, disrupting the nerve signaling processes that stimulate muscle contraction. Wherever its injected, it causes the underlying muscles to temporarily stop moving. When the muscles contractions cease, wrinkles stop forming.

But it doesn’t actually erase those wrinkles and fine lines on your face that are already formed. Instead, it just “freezes” your facial muscles to keep you from contracting them in ways that deepen those lines and wrinkles. In fact, botox is more preventative than restorative. Hence, the trend of getting botox as early as your twenties in Korea. Afterall, prevention is better than cure, no?

Botox treatment areas

Young people in their twenties get botox to prevent wrinkles from forming while those in their thirties and above, get botox to soften the appearance of existing wrinkles. And popular areas for treatment include:

  • Forehead – to treat wrinkles and creases on your forehead
  • Temples – to treat bulging muscles at the sides of your head
  • Sides of nose bridge – to get rid of bunny lines
  • Between your eyebrows – to treat frown lines (glabellar lines)
  • End of eyebrow – to lift sagging eyebrows
  • Around your eyes – to treat crow’s feet (wrinkles around your eyes)
  • Corners of the mouth – to treat marionette lines or droopy mouth corners
  • At your smile lines – to treat deep laugh lines
  • Around your mouth – to treat smoker’s lines around your mouth
  • Jaw – to treat wide angular and square jaws
  • Chin – to treat “cobblestone” skin on the chin
  • Neck – to treat sagging neck wrinkles
  • Shoulder – to treat shoulder aches and contour shoulder lines
  • Calves – to slim the appearance of bulky calves

Pros & cons of botox

Most people generally tolerate botox well. Its results and effectiveness are miraculous, while its side effects, uncommon. Unless you are the one in a billion who is allergic to botox, you will pretty much enjoy and love the results for sure. And there are no issues with long term use.

However, as with any other cosmetic procedures, there are a few risks involved. Depending on one’s body reaction to botox, though it rarely happens, it can sometimes cause side effects such as dry eyes, mild bruising and swelling, numbness around the injection site, and headaches.

In all honesty, the only really con of botox would be that its results are temporary. And if injected wrongly, it can cause severe complications such as blindness (especially for injections around your eye area), infections and scarring. 

So, make sure you find a certified and skillful doctor or dermatologist who can accurately judge the size of your muscles, and is experienced enough to know just how much is the right amount to inject for you. Because too much botox injected at one go, might make your face appear too tight and expressionless.

When can I see results from botox injections?

Depending on the treatment areas, its actual results can be seen after a few days. It’s typically within 4~5 days for wrinkles and fine lines treatment. And for jaw botox, results continue to develop gradually over the course of two weeks to a month.

How long does results of botox last?

Depending on one’s lifestyle and body’s reaction to botox, it typically lasts around 6 months. But results vary among individuals, especially if you have a habit of frequently using the particular muscles where botox was injected, its results might fade away faster than expected.

How long does botox procedure take?

Botox procedures typically take less than 20 mins to perform. Your dermatologist or aesthetic doctor will first apply numbing cream to the targeted areas so that it will be painless. In fact, most of the time is spent waiting for the numbing cream to take effect. That’s why they call it the “lunch break procedure”.

There may be a little bit of bruising and swelling at the injected areas, but don’t worry – it tends to go down in a few days. And you can immediately resume your daily activities after your botox injections.

What other non-surgical procedures complements botox?

1. Fillers

Dermal fillers are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines and soften creases, or enhance facial contours. It is the next most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure after botox.


Vanity is not a sin. The desire to look attractive and younger is natural, and shouldn’t be frown upon. If it makes you feel better about yourself, what’s the harm in it?

If you want to know more about buccal fat removal in Korea, speak to our consultants.

And there is no ideal age to start getting botox. It’s mostly up to you – you can choose to get it when your wrinkles start bothering you or simply start young to prevent them from forming in the first place. The best thing – there have not been issues with long term usage.

Just as long as you find a reliable and skillful doctor or dermatologist who knows what’s best for you, you will be fine. In fact, more than fine – you will actually gain more confidence, feel happier and look younger at the same time!

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Botox – Must knows, procedure and side effects