14 things to avoid after liposuction

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If you have just gotten liposuction, you can probably already see its results and are eager to show off your new body shape but you need to know that the recovery process takes time. And by knowing what to avoid after liposuction, you ensure that you will recover well and not compromise the results from your surgery. So, here’s a list of things you should NOT do after liposuction.

What you should avoid after liposuction

1. Staying sedentary

It is important to get up and get moving after liposuction. Especially in the first few days, you need light walking such as walking from room to room inside the house or strolls in the park. Just lying stationary after liposuction presents a greater risk of blood clots and pulmonary embolism (when a blood clot travels to the lungs and causes a blockage) which can even lead to deaths.

2. Strenuous activities and exercising

Though it is important for you to engage in light physical activities, any rigorous activities that gets your blood flowing will increase swelling and add to your risk of excessive bleeding during the recovery period. So ditch gym for at least 8 weeks and steer clear of activities like weight lifting, cardio and any high activity sports.

However, you are encouraged to do low-impact activities such as taking light strolls at the park as this can help alleviate swelling and other problems.

3. Having sex

Having sex is considered a rigorous activity. Firstly, the excess blood flow can increase swelling and even put you at risk for excessive bleeding. Secondly, your sweat can compromise your healing process. It might be hard, but avoid sex after liposuction, for at least for 4~6 weeks!

4. Gaining or losing weight too soon

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure which means that you can gain fats again, especially in other areas of your body. Because even after liposuction, there will still be some, albeit little, remaining fat cells and those can grow in size if your calorie intake is excessive. Gaining weight too soon will have a negative effect on your results while losing a fair amount of weight can also affect your results. 

In order to get good and long-lasting results from your liposuction, you should maintain a stable weight by having a healthy diet and an exercise regime (exercise only after your have fully recovered).

5. Using ice compress or heating pads on treated areas

Do not use any ice or heating pads on the areas treated by liposuction as you may accidentally freeze or burn your skin. In addition, heat can increase post-surgical swelling and inflammation so avoid using heating pads, hot baths, saunas, suntanning etc. The most effective way to reduce swelling is to wear your compression garment.

6. Not wearing your compression garment

You should wear your compression garment for at least 2 months as it will help reduce swelling and bruising, provide support, promote skin conformity and help maintain your new contours. Try to wear it 24/7 for as long as you can, except during bath time.

7. Not staying hydrated

It is important to drink a lot of fluids to flush medicine from surgery, such as the anesthesia, out of your system. You will also be losing fluid from your wound, so staying hydrated is important to replace these fluids. Drink plenty of water to reduce your risk of excessive swelling and help you recover faster.

8. Eating unhealthy foods

After any surgery, you have to eat well with the correct foods in order to heal well! Your body will need a lot of vitamins and nutrients to keep you from falling sick and help you recover well. Therefore, eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices). Have plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.

Needless to say, you should avoid fried foods, fast food, processed meats and sugary foods. Knowing what healing foods to eat and what foods to avoid after liposuction will help speed up your recovery process. Additionally, if you wish to take any vitamins or supplements, do seek your plastic surgeon’s approval prior to taking them.

9. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a tendency to thin the blood, and put your at greater risk for excessive bleeding. Additionally, alcohol can cause adverse reactions when it is mixed with certain pain medications. So abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks lest you compromise your liposuction results.

10. Smoking

Smoking disrupts the healing process by restricting the vessels and prohibiting healthy blood flow. It also slows down healing, increases the risk of infection of your wounds and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 3 weeks. In fact, you should refrain from smoking 2~3 weeks before and after your liposuction surgery. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

11. Taking hot showers

Getting the surgical area wet can lead to irritation, inflammation, and a higher risk of infection. So keep your incisions dry at all times until your stitches are removed (about a week after surgery). Stay away from hot or cold showers until your stitches are removed and use a damp cloth to stay clean instead.

12. Lying flat while resting or sleeping

Do try to rest in an upright position for comfort and to decrease swelling by resting in a recliner or in bed with 2-3 pillows propped behind your back.

13. Suntanning

Yes, we love the sun too but sun exposure can cause burning, create permanent discoloration, and even increase your risk for infections and complications. So it’s better to stick to the shade, especially during your recovery period. Once you have completely recovered, we recommend you always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF to help reduce and lighten scarring.

14. Overhauling your wardrobe too soon

As much as you are excited to go clothes shopping and do an overhaul for your closet, do delay clothes shopping for at least 3 months because your body shape and size will continue to improve until your new body shape has settled down.


Before you get all excited and eager to show off your new bodyline, make sure that you take the time needed for recovery. By knowing what to avoid after liposuction and following pre & post-op instructions, you are set for a good recovery and successful results.

If you want to know more about liposuction, speak to our consultants.

Always remember, rest is a vital part of the recovery process. Your body needs energy to heal itself, so eating a well-balanced diet and getting a solid eight hours of sleep each night allows your body to restore that energy and recover fast!

Most importantly, be patient and get more recovery tips by reading our tips on aftercare and post-op instructions for liposuction!

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14 things to avoid after liposuction