Top 10 healing foods to eat after plastic surgery

The success of your plastic surgery not only depends on the skills of your plastic surgeon but also how well you heal after your surgery. Getting enough rest as well as having a healthy and balanced diet can help ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery if not speed up recovery!

Remember, only when your body is healthy and well-nourished will you then be able to heal properly and quickly after your surgery. And that begins with avoiding those that will hinder your recovery and eating the right foods — the ones that can provide your body with what it needs for a speedy recovery. So, its time to stock up these top 10 healing foods to eat after plastic surgery! But first, here’s what to avoid!

Avoid alcohol pre and post-surgery

We cannot emphasize how necessary and important it is to AVOID ALCOHOL prior to your surgery and during your recovery period, and we are not even talking about excessive drinking. Consuming alcohol during pre and post-surgery can lead to post-op complications such as increased swelling, increased bleeding, infections, dehydration, and worsen scarring, just to name a few. If these does not stop you, we don’t know what else does. Maybe you should rethink your surgery?

Hydrate your body with lots of water

Stay hydrated as much as possible. Drinking water is critical to helping you heal and minimizes the risk of infection. Furthermore, water also helps your body get rid of toxins from the anesthesia.

Now, the top 10 healing foods to eat after plastic surgery

1. Chicken and fish

Lean protein, more specifically, collagen, is responsible for mending tissues back together and ensures that your body tissue heals properly. Foods packed with high amounts of protein such as fish and chicken gives you energy and speeds up the healing process. Fishes such as salmon, halibut and mackerel are also high in zinc and omega 3 fatty acids and are great for healing. Other sources of lean protein also include beans, turkey and even protein shakes.

2. Dairy and yogurt

Fermented dairy such as cottage cheese and yogurt with active cultures provide your body with probiotics and restores healthy bacteria into your body. If you don’t eat dairy or are lactose intolerant, try supplementing with kimchi or probiotics instead.

3. Whole grains & seeds

Foods with plenty of fiber such as whole grains, prunes, oatmeals, quinoa, flaxseeds, bran flakes, beans and legumes help aid digestion, cleanse your bowels and prevent constipation. Whole grains provide your body with the carbohydrates your body needs whereas seeds, squash and pumpkin contain high levels of zinc which contributes to a healthy immune system to fight off infections and aids healing.

4. Dark leafy vegetables

Incorporating dark leafy greens into your diet will provide your body with vitamin A, C, E, and K which are essential for healing and fighting off infection. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale, bok choy, brussel sprouts and cauliflower strengthens your immune systems and helps control inflammation. Foods packed with vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene (carrots) are highly recommended!

5. Rich Coloured Fruits

Your body will need high doses of antioxidants after your surgery to help repair the damage. Deep coloured fruits such as blueberries, cherries, blackberries and raspberries are excellent sources of vitamin C and have high levels of antioxidants so eating them is helpful in rebuilding collagen and soft tissues, meaning your wounds will heal quicker.

6. Bright coloured fruits

Apart from rich coloured fruits, it is also important to include bright coloured fruits in your diet as well. Particularly fruits such as oranges, apples, pears, peaches, mangoes and papaya will ensure you get a good dose of vitamin A, C, carbohydrates, fibre, antioxidants and calories. Especially pineapple and papaya, as these two fruits contain enzymes that will aid digestion as well as reduce swelling and inflammation.

7. Eggs

Just one egg can already provide you with proteins, vitamin A, B, E, K, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, zinc and iron. Need we say more? Moreover, eggs are delicious and so easy to prepare.

8. Nuts

Nuts, particularly almonds, are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps wounds heal faster and reduce the appearance of scars!

9. Avocado

Avocado contains healthy (monounsaturated) fats and can help lower cholesterol. One slice of avocado has almost 20 minerals and vitamin that will improve immune response and aid the body’s absorption of vitamins. These healthy fats will also help increase energy levels after surgery.

10. Anti-inflammatory spices

Herbs and spices are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, including bromelain, tumeric, ginger, chili peppers and parsley. Moreover, adding spices in your diet can increase your appetite post-surgery. Afterall, you will need to eat to regain energy in order to recover faster.

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Top 10 healing foods to eat after plastic surgery