What is prejuvenation and do I need it?

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Many have heard of and talked about skin rejuvenation. But the latest buzzword, especially among the millennials, is prejuvenation. If this is the first time you are hearing it, you’re too late. The Koreans have been on it for years, meaning its time for you to to catch up on your beauty trends!

What is prejuvenation?

Prejuvenation is a combination of prevention and rejuvenation. Unlike rejuvenation treatments that aim to restore your skin from damage, prejuventation treatments focus on delaying, or rather, preventing aging for as long as possible and as soon as possible. In fact, prejuvenation not only aims to maintain your health and youthful aesthetics, but also enhance it in the most natural way possible.

These days, there are 1001 cosmetic treatments available to help you look younger and restore youth. But Koreans have realized that the best way to take control of the aging process is by preventing it. So instead of waiting for wrinkles to appear then treat them, many young Koreans are already getting cosmetic procedures done to preserve their youthful looks.

When should I start prejuventation?

There’s that saying that goes “prevention is better than cure”. No doubt that the theory behind it makes all sense, that’s why the approach to preventative aging is growing in popularity. In fact, many Koreans start prejuvenation treatments in their early 20s, or as soon as they start seeing signs of aging.

That said however, one concern is the possible long-term effects of having cosmetic injectables done for a long period of time. Although we cannot deny the miraculous powers of botox and fillers, overuse of injectables are a big no-no as they might cause droopiness in the far future. So make sure you consult with a highly-skilled and experienced doctor for their advice before you start incorporating them into your prejuvenation plans.

Steps to prejuvenation

1. Sunscreen

Yes, sunscreen – the number one anti-aging product is as simple and basic as it is. Many don’t take their skincare regime seriously until they start seeing signs of aging. And that, is one of life’s biggest mistake. So start using sunscreen (one with SPF 30 or higher) already, if you have not started.

One simple reason why many Koreans have good skin is because they use sunscreen since childhood, way before they even learn about makeup. And of course, having a healthy diet, an exercise routine and proper sleep helps effectively fight the aging process.

2. Botox

One of the most popular ways for treating fine lines and deep wrinkles is by getting botox. How it works is simple – botox helps relax facial muscles. So the lesser your muscles contract, the lesser your skin will crease. Because to be honest, it is much harder to treat wrinkles after they have already formed than to prevent them from forming.

By using botox as a preventive measure to treat fine lines before they have a chance to develop into deep wrinkles, you can not only delay the signs of aging but also enjoy a younger appearance for a longer time.

3. Hyaluronic acid fillers

Apart from fine lines and wrinkles, signs of aging on our faces also include volume loss. This loss of volume, due to the natural loss of collagen, bone structure, and fats, causes sagging skin and hollow cheeks.

But fret not, as hyaluronic acid fillers, primarily consisting of hyaluronic acid, can “add back” the volume to our faces and bring back your youthful look. In addition, these HA fillers are safe can also help stimulate production of collagen.

4. Fat dissolving injections

Sadly, aging adds fats to our faces but in the wrong places! Having excess stubborn fats on our double chin and lower cheeks can make you look older instead of youthful. Fat dissolving injections are non-invasive, has almost no downtime, and effectively eliminates if not, reduces excess fats on your face. If you have stubborn fats which cannot be removed through dieting and exercising, your best bet is to get fat dissolving injections to get rid of them.

4. Skin tightening procedures

Skin tightening procedures such as thermage is used to tighten loose skin and increase collagen levels. Thermage can help you to not only tighten any loose and sagging skin, but also help induce preventative tightening of collagen for years to come. When done as a preventive treatment, thermage can help stop the clock of aging and prevent skin from sagging quickly.

5. Laser face lifts

Laser face lifts such as Shurink HIFU (developed by Korean doctors) and Ultherapy can help boost collagen renewal and provides lifting effects. Likewise to thermage, these laser facelifts are a great help when it comes to stopping the clock of aging when used as a preventive treatment for aging.

6. Microneedling

Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment that helps increase cellular turnover, which helps fade the first signs of aging such as fine lines, hyperpigmentation, etc. It stimulates collagen and initiates skin renewal, which help delay signs of aging when started young.


Whether or not you choose to jump on the early injectables train, you should start incorporating prejuvenation into your skincare regimes. For starters, always wear sunscreen of an SPF 30 or higher. If possible, start using it as prejuventation as early as childhood. Other ways to incorporate prejuvenation includes anti-aging skin care in your daily skin care regimes.

If you want to know more about this procedure, speak to our consultants.

Sure, aging cannot be totally prevented and eventually, some fine lines and wrinkles are bound to develop. But that’s not saying that injectables such as botox and fillers cannot help in delaying your aging process. Because they definitely can, and can actually play a part in helping you age gracefully, if used correctly.

And above all, make sure to consult a highly skilled and experienced board certified surgeon who knows what’s best for you and for the best results, of course!

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What is prejuvenation and do I need it?