Liposuction or fat dissolving injections – Which is better for me?

Getting rid of excess fats on your face and body is easier said than done. As compared to strict diets and exercise regimes, plastic surgery might seem like the easier way out but hey, we are not going to complain for having this option right? When it comes to removing excess fats on your face and body, liposuction has always been the go-to procedure. But with the rising popularity of fat dissolving injections, you might be wondering which is better – liposuction or fat dissolving injection?

Which procedure is more effective in helping you get rid of those hateful stubborn fats you have? In this article, we will compare the two and by the end of the article, you should know which one is more suitable for you based on your needs!

Liposuction or fat dissolving injections – What’s the difference?

While liposuction has always been the go-to plastic surgery procedure to get rid of those excess stubborn fats on your face and body, fat dissolving injections have been gaining popularity as it is non-invasive and has a lesser downtime. But which procedure is the one that can produce your desired results?

Fat dissolving injections

Fat dissolving injections, also known as non-surgical liposuction, involves dissolving stubborn fat cells in the injected areas. These injections allow you to get rid of stubborn pockets of fats without having to undergo surgery but is more effective for small areas of fats. And depending on the elasticity of your skin, areas of concerns and desired results, you might need more than one session of treatment to get effective results.


Liposuction may sound like the extreme plastic surgery procedure when compared to fat dissolving injections. However, liposuction is hardly as invasive as you think it is! The procedure involves inserting a thin cannula to extract stubborn fats while incisions, are kept to a minimal. It works effectively on those with good skin elasticity and whom do not have too much sagging skin but is not suitable for those who are severely obese.

Liposuction or fat dissolving injections – Which is for me?

Fat dissolving injections are for you if you:

  • Are looking to only remove small areas of stubborn fats
  • Have little stubborn fats that cannot be removed through diet or exercise
  • Have good skin elasticity

Liposuction is for you if you:

  • Are looking to remove larger areas of stubborn fats
  • Have little or moderate stubborn fats that cannot be removed through diet or exercise
  • Have good skin elasticity

Liposuction or fast dissolving injections – What to take note?


Being a non-invasive procedure, fat dissolving injections will leave no marks or scars at all. Liposuction, on the other hand, is more invasive but scarring is minimal and hardly noticeable.


While major swelling expected at the injection area after fat dissolving injections, it will go away in a few hours. On the other hand for liposuction, minor bruising and swelling might last up to 1 week. You might also experience soreness at the incision site but it will go away in less than a week.


Both liposuction and fat dissolving injections are effective for eliminating stubborn fats that stays even after dieting or exercising. However, fat dissolving injections are not particularly useful for large amounts of fats and on large areas of fats.

Though both procedures do not yield instantaneous results, both show great, noticeable and permanent results over time. Typically, liposuctions patients start seeing improvements within 1~2 weeks, with optimal results visible over the course of a year. For fat dissolving injections, results are seen 2~3 weeks after the injection and improves gradually as time goes.


Fat dissolving injections is definitely the safer procedure as it is non-invasive. However, in the hands of highly skilled and trained plastic surgeons, liposuction can be as safe as well.

Weight loss

We would like to emphasize that both procedures are not alternatives for weight loss. Sure, these procedures can help contour your face and body beautifully but they should not be the go-to solution for obesity! You will need to have a balanced diet and regular exercise regimes to have a healthy life and maintain a beautiful body.


By now, you should have a clear idea on the differences between liposuction and fat dissolving injections, and know which one you need. That said, it is still important for you to consult your plastic surgeon on which procedure suits you best for your desired results!

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

As a general guideline, fat dissolving injections works best for small fat deposits while liposuction is more effective for larger amount of fats. But mostly importantly, consult a highly skilled board certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in both procedures for the best results!

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Liposuction or fat dissolving injections – Which is better for me?