16 things to avoid after eyelid surgery

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We know how exciting it is to get your blepharoplasty and that you are eager to see the results of your eyelid surgery but you must understand that the recovery process takes time. And by knowing what not to do after eyelid surgery, you ensure that you will recover well and not compromise the results from your surgery. So here’s a list of things you should avoid after eyelid surgery.

What you should avoid after eyelid surgery

1. Bright lights and sunlight

Your eyes will be very sensitive towards bright lights and sunlight right after your eyelid surgery. To avoid hurting your eyes, you might want to wear sunglasses during your trip home. This sensitivity may last for a few weeks so try to avoid direct contact of the sun with your eyes as much as possible.

2. Rubbing and touching your eyes

You may experience excessive tearing, dry eyes, and double or blurred vision for the first few days. However, this is temporary and should go away in no time. So avoid rubbing or touching your eyes lest you risk infecting your wounds. Use the sterile saline eye drops or prescribed eye drops if your eyes are dry or if your vision is blurry.

The only time you should touch your eyes is when its time to apply the ointment prescribed by your plastic surgeons. Even then, avoid touching your eyes with your bare hands and use a Q-tip instead.

3. Strenuous activities and exercising

Any rigorous activity increases your blood pressure and gets your blood flowing. As more blood flows to your face, it will increase swelling and add to your risk of excessive bleeding. So steer clear of strenuous exercises or activities that will raise your blood pressure in order to heal well.

4. Sex

Having sex is considered a rigorous activity. As mentioned above, excess blood flow to your face can increase swelling and even put you at risk for excessive bleeding. In addition, your sweat can compromise your healing process. It might be hard, but avoid sex for at least 4~6 weeks after your eyelid surgery!

5. Swimming

A a major rule of thumb for eyelid recovery is to not get your incisions wet. And that means no swimming. In addition, chlorine (found in swimming pools) could irritate your eyes while putting on swimming goggles adds extra pressure on your eye areas, both of which will hinder your recovery process. So definitely avoid swimming after eyelid surgery for at least 4~6 weeks.

6. Hot showers

Getting the surgical area wet can lead to irritation, inflammation, and a higher risk of infection. Hence, you should keep your incisions dry at all times until your stitches are removed (about a week after surgery). For this reason, you should stay away from hot or cold showers. Shower from neck down and use a damp cloth to clean parts of your face, especially avoiding the eye areas.

7. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a tendency to thin the blood, and put your at greater risk for excessive bleeding. Additionally, alcohol can cause adverse reactions when it is mixed with certain pain medications. So abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks otherwise you will compromise your eyelid surgery results.

8. Smoking

Smoking disrupts the healing process by restricting the vessels and prohibiting healthy blood flow. Smoking also slows down healing, increases the risk of infection of your wounds and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 3 weeks. In fact, you should refrain from smoking 2~3 weeks before and after your eyelid surgery. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

9. Wearing contact lens

Wearing contact lens can increase the risk of eye infections. Wear your glasses and avoid contact lens for at least 2 weeks to allow your eyes to heal well. Best if you can avoid it for a month.

10. Stressing your eyes

Avoid activities that will stress or cause dry eyes for at least 1 week. Yes, unfortunately, that includes reading a book, staring at your computer, or watching a full season of your Korean dramas on TV. So, just relax and try not to use your eyes if you want a speedy recovery.

11. Using makeup

For ladies in particular, we know it can be tempting to apply makeup or concealer to your eye area to help conceal any bruising or scarring. But don’t wear makeup just yet! The use of makeup can increase the risk of infection and cause permanent discoloration of skin. As such, stay away from foundation, concealers or any makeup until your eyes have completely healed. Avoid applying any lotion or creams on your eye area for at least 2 weeks as well.

12. Suntanning

Yes, we love the sun too but sun exposure can cause burning, create permanent discoloration, and even increase your risk for infections and complications. So it’s better to stick to the shade and preserve your skin, especially during your recovery period. Once you have completely recovered, we recommend you always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF to help reduce scarring.

13. Eat unhealthy foods

After any surgery, you have to eat well with the correct foods in order to heal well! Your body will need a lot of vitamins and nutrients to keep you from falling sick and help you recover well. Therefore, eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices). Have plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.

Read our article on the top 10 healing foods to eat after surgery to find out which foods will help speed up your recovery process. In addition, if you wish to take any vitamins or supplements, do seek your plastic surgeon’s approval prior to taking them.

14. Not keeping your body hydrated

So stay hydrated as much as possible. Drinking water is critical to helping you heal and minimizes the risk of infection. Furthermore, water prevents constipation, dehydration and helps your body get rid of toxins from the anesthesia.

15. Lying down flat on your back

Lying flat on your back may be most comfortable for sleep and rest but it’s dangerous for you during your recovery period after your rhinoplasty surgery. Because when your head and heart are at the same level, it increases blood flow to your face. This will encourage excess bleeding, increased swelling, and even greater pain.

So when you rest or sleep after your eyelid surgery, we highly recommend you to use 1~2 pillows to elevate your head, keeping it raised above your heart while you sleep or rest. Doing so helps minimize swelling as well. Do this until you have completely healed.

16. Facials and skin treatments

Avoid facial massages, skin care treatments or laser procedures (e.g. LPL, fraser laser etc.) for at least 1 month. Do not allow any contact to your eye area, or better still, your face, until your wounds have completely healed.


Before you get caught up with your new eyelids, make sure you take the time needed and don’t rush the recovery process. By knowing what to avoid after eyelid surgery and following post-op instructions, you are paving the way for a good recovery and successful results from your surgery.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

Always remember, rest is a vital part of the recovery process. Your body needs energy to heal itself, so eating a well-balanced diet and getting a solid eight hours of sleep each night allows your body to restore that energy and recover fast!

Most importantly, be patient and get more recovery tips for rhinoplasty surgery by reading our tips on aftercare and post-op instructions for eyelid surgery!

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16 things to avoid after eyelid surgery