How to reduce swelling after plastic surgery?

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It is inevitable to experience bruising and swelling after getting plastic surgery. However, following post-op instructions diligently can help to reduce swelling and ensure that you heal properly in order to get the best results from your plastic surgery procedures. Here are the tips and tricks to help reduce swelling after plastic surgery.

Why does bruising and swelling occur?

Experiencing bruising and swelling after plastic surgery, even for minor surgeries, is completely normal and should go away within the first few weeks after a surgery.

Bruising appears due to blood leaking from small blood vessels. Although most of these vessels are cauterized during surgery, there may be some mild bleeding when the blood pressure returns to normal. Bruising is inevitable and rarely serious so there is no cause for concern.

Swelling occurs due to the incisions made during the surgery. After any incisions to the body, it prompts cells to release fluids and chemicals, which affect the absorbency of blood vessels in the area of the injury, to start the healing process. This process is known as inflammation or swelling and is a normal part of healing.

Read along for some tips to take note of before and after your surgery to help reduce bruising and swelling.

Tips to help reduce swelling after plastic surgery

Before surgery:

1. Have a healthy body

A healthy body will minimize complications during surgery, and ensure you have a smooth recovery. Get healthy before your surgery by staying hydrated, having a balanced diet, and getting sufficient rest and exercise. In addition, your body will also be able to recover faster if you are healthy. In fact, being healthy is a prerequisite to getting plastic surgery.

2. Avoid smoking and drinking before surgery

Alcohol has a tendency to thin the blood, and put you at a greater risk for excessive bleeding during surgery. Hence, abstain from alcohol for at least 3 weeks before your surgery.

Likewise, smoking disrupts the healing process by restricting the vessels and prohibiting healthy blood flow. Smoking also slows down healing, increases the risk of infection of your wounds and increases the susceptibility for scarring. So do not smoke or be around a smoker for at least 3 weeks.

After surgery:

1. Follow post-op instructions diligently

Proper healing starts with following post-op and aftercare instructions diligently. Post-op care can greatly affect the results of your surgeries so if you want to heal with excellent results, make sure you follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions for post-op care.

2. Focus on resting well

Healing requires a lot of energy, so you’ll probably feel more tired than usual. Take lots of naps and sleep early at night. In fact, having a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to accelerate your recovery process.

In addition, rigorous activity gets your blood flowing and as more blood flows to your face, it will increase swelling and add to your risk of excessive bleeding. Hence, avoid strenuous physical activities and instead, take lots of light walks in the park as it helps reduce swelling, lower the chance of developing blood clots, and promote blood circulation as you recover.

3. Use cold compresses whenever possible

Cold compresses and ice packs can help manage pain and keep swelling down. We recommend that you apply cold compresses for about 10~20 minutes at a time and take intervals of at least 20 mins between each time you apply them. In addition, avoid using ice packs directly on your skin and use it with a thin layer of cloth between your skin and the ice pack.

4. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is critical in helping you heal and minimizes the risk of infection. Furthermore, water prevents constipation, dehydration and helps your body flush out the toxins from the anesthesia. So make sure to drink plenty of water when you are recovering from surgery.

5. Eat the correct foods

After any surgery, you have to eat well with the correct foods in order to heal well. Your body will need a lot of vitamins and nutrients to keep you from falling sick and help you recover well. Therefore, eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids (water and fresh juices). Have plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to avoid constipation.

Read our article on the top 10 healing foods to eat after surgery to find out which foods will help speed up your recovery process. In addition, if you wish to take any vitamins or supplements, do seek your plastic surgeon’s approval prior to taking them.

6. Wear compression garments as instructed

Sometimes, your plastic surgeon might instruct you to wear compression garments, especially after surgical procedures such as facial contouring surgery, breast surgery, tummy tuck etc.

While compression garments may not look as attractive as your lacy lingerie, they play a crucial role in enhancing your post-op recovery. They are not only very comfortable to wear, but also provide support, minimize swelling and help speed up healing. Learn more about the benefits of compression garments by reading this.

6. Keep your head elevated

Lying flat on your back may be most comfortable for sleep and rest but it might not be good for you during your recovery period. Because when your head and heart are at the same level, it increases blood flow to your face. This will encourage excess bleeding, increased swelling, and even greater pain.

So when you rest or sleep after your surgery, we highly recommend you to keep the surgery site elevated higher than your heart for at least 2~3 days after surgery. For example, use 1~2 pillows to elevate your head, keeping it raised above your heart while you sleep or rest. Sleeping on a reclining chair at an angle will help too. By doing so will help blood circulation and reduce swelling.

7. Avoid smoking and drinking after surgery

The success of your liposuction surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well.


Being able to take great care of yourself after surgery can help reduce swelling and bruising fast and ensure the best results from your surgery.

If you are looking to get plastic surgery,speak to our consultants and get a free consultation.

If your swelling does not improve gradually after surgery, make sure to consult your plastic surgeon as soon as possible. That may be a sign of a potential complication that requires immediate professional attention.

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How to reduce swelling after plastic surgery?