Breast lift FAQs answered

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Changes such as sagging breasts can happen as a result of childbirth or aging. If you are looking to get a breast lift, you will probably have a lot of questions and need some answers. By knowing more about breast lift surgery, it will help you to decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect. So here’s a list of breast lift FAQs and its answers.

Common breast lift FAQs

Are you a good candidate for breast lift?

The ideal candidate for breast lift surgery is one who is in a good health condition with a normal BMI, and who is experiencing significant breast sagging as a result from large natural breast size, pregnancy and breastfeeding, aging, or weight loss.

Will breast lift increase your risk of breast cancer?

No, getting a breast lift will not increase your risk of breast cancer nor cause you to have breast cancer.

How do you know if you need a breast lift?

If you find that your breasts have flattened, elongated, and have lost their perkiness, you might need breast lift surgery.

Can you get breast augmentation and breast lift at the same time?

Yes, you can get a breast lift and breast augmentation at the same time if you want to go bigger. In fact, the combination of breast lift + augmentation surgery is a pretty common way to rejuvenate small, sagging breasts.

Does breast lift affect nipple sensation and sensitivity?

In almost all cases, any changes in nipple sensation and sensitivity is common but temporary after a breast lift surgery.

As with any breast surgery, there is a certain amount of damage to the nerves leading to the areola and nipple which can lead to changes in nipple sensation. However, over time, your nerves will heal and sensation should return. It can take up to 6~8 weeks or months for sensation to return to normal.

Depending on your breast size and the amount of lift to be performed, your nipples and areola (the darkened skin around your nipple) may also have to be either repositioned or resized to a more appropriate position. So if you are undergoing a significant breast lift where your nipples have to be repositioned or resized, the risk of loss of nipple sensitivity is slightly higher.

Are there any other alternatives to firm and lift breasts?

Unfortunately, the only way to fix sagging breasts and achieve firm and lifted breasts is by opting for a breast lift.

Is it a good idea to get breast lift before having kids?

There is never a “right” or a “wrong” time – the decision to undergo breast surgery is more of a personal one. That said, it is advisable for you to complete your family before you undergo a breast lift.

This is because each pregnancy and breastfeeding will stretch your skin and change the size and shape of your breasts, and these changes might adversely affect or reverse the results of your already-lifted breasts.

Does getting a breast lift makes your breasts smaller?

In a way, yes. Sometimes, excess skin and tissues may be removed to make your sagging breasts appear perky and lifted during a breast lift procedure. This can cause a slight reduction in your current breast size, but the difference is hardly unnoticeable. 

What are the different type of breast lift incisions?

There are 4 types of incision methods for breast lift:

  • Crescent incision – For those who have small breasts that are mildly sagging. 
  • Areola (donut) incision – For those who have moderately sized breasts that are moderately sagging, involves minor repositioning of nipples
  • Vertical (lollipop) incision – For those who have big breasts that are moderately sagging but needs an extensive reshaping of breasts, involves repositioning of nipples.
  • Anchor (Inverted-T) incision – For those who have big and severely sagging breasts, involves extensive repositioning of nipples.

How long do breast lift results last?

Breast lift results are permanent. However, your breasts will continue to be affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, the natural aging process and weight loss. You are advised to use a good quality bra to support your lifted breasts for longer lasting results.

Can a breast lift fix asymmetrical breasts?

Yes, breast asymmetry can be easily fixed with a breast lift. That said, depending on the severity of your asymmetry and your desired results, sometimes, you might need to combine other procedures such as breast reduction or breast augmentation as well. Read our article on how to fix uneven breasts to find out which procedure suits you most.

Breast lift vs. breast augmentation for saggy breasts

Depending on the size of your breasts and the severity of its sagging, sometimes, just breast augmentation alone can lift and change the shape of your breasts. However, if you are experiencing extreme sagging of your breasts, undergoing only breast augmentation will not be adequate to correct the sagging and you would need a breast lift surgery at the same time to remove excess skin.

In general:

If you are unhappy with the position of your breasts and noticed that they are drooping, a breast lift is likely the right choice for you.

If you are happy with the position of your breasts, but want larger breasts, breast augmentation is probably a better choice for you.

In cases where both the position and size of breasts are areas of concern, a breast lift + breast augmentation is likely the best choice for you. 

Ultimately, you should discuss your concerns with your plastic surgeon to determine what procedures aligns with what you wish to achieve for your breasts.

Breast lift vs. breast reduction for saggy breasts

If you are looking to lift your droopy breasts and reduce your breast size, a breast reduction surgery might be a better option. But if you are looking to just lift and restore perkiness in your breasts without having any significant size change, a breast lift is your best option.

Does weight loss affect breast lift results?

Yes, weight loss after surgery will affect your breast lift results. Especially in cases of extreme weight loss where a huge volume of fats in your breasts decrease, which may lead to breast sagging.

In conclusion, do maintain a steady weight with a healthy diet and an exercise routine in order to preserve the great results from your breast augmentation surgery.

Can you breastfeed after getting a breast lift?

Yes, getting a breast lift does not affect your ability to breastfeed at all. In most cases, breast lift patients are able to breastfeed without any issues.

However, the risk of your breast lift impacting on breastfeeding also depends on the technique used for the lift. Also, a breast lift with reduction or implants can increase your risk of impact on breastfeeding as compared to just a breast lift surgery.

Is breast lift part of a mommy makeover?

Yes, a breast lift is part of a mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is a full package of cosmetic procedures aimed at restoring a woman’s body to its pre-pregnancy state through these procedures:

When done well, your figure could get better than pre-baby body actually. If you are looking to get a mommy makeover, we generally recommend waiting at least 6 months after giving birth, and another 6 months after weaning before getting a mommy makeover.

What is recovery like?

After your breast lift surgery, expect major bruising, swelling and soreness for at least 1~2 weeks. Swelling will reduce asymmetrically so do not panic if it happens. Typically, about 70% of the bruising and swelling is lost within 2 weeks, and most of the swelling will be gone in 3 months.

Most patients will be able to return to non-strenuous jobs and activities after 1~2 weeks. However, there will be restrictions for movements on your upper body, such as lifting your arms, stretching your arms etc. Try not to lift or stretch your arms too much for at least 2 months and be wary of vigorous movements or any movements that will put impact your upper body.

You should also wear a breast compression garment for at least 2 months so as to help maintain the shape of your lifted breasts. Get more post-op tips by reading our article on breast augmentation aftercare and post-op instructions.

Can you smoke or drink after breast lift surgery?

The success of your breast augmentation not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

How long should you wear the compression bra?

You will be required to wear a compression bra for at least 2 months after your breast surgery. This will help support and maintain the shape of your newly-lifted breasts.

Can you wear underwire bras after getting breast lift?

Wearing bras with underwire too soon after undergoing breast lift can irritate breast incisions, and interfere with your recovery results. Hence, wear your compression bra or surgical bra instead during the recovery period and wait at least after 6 months to start wearing underwire bras.

When can you get a revision breast lift?

Allow your wounds from the previous surgery to completely heal before getting a revision. If you are not satisfied with the results of your breast lift, revision surgery can typically be done after 6 months.

Are breast lift scars noticeable?

Your breast lift scars depend on the type of incision methods chosen. If you are very concerned with scarring, the best incision option is the crescent or areola incision as the scar line is camouflaged in area where the skin and the areola meet so scars are less visible.

Can you go for suntanning after breast lift?

We all love the sun but sun exposure can create permanent discoloration of scars, and increase your risk for infections and complications. So it’s better to stick to the shade, especially during recovery. Even after you have completely recovered, we recommend that you always use plenty of sunscreen with a high SPF. This will help reduce and lighten scarring.


In general, most women who undergo breast lift are satisfied with the results. In fact, breast surgeries actually has one of the highest satisfaction rate as compared to all other cosmetic procedures.

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

One thing to note though is that although results from breast lift is permanent, your breast can sag again due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, weight gain or loss.

If you still have more breast lift FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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Breast lift FAQs answered