Everything you need to know about neck lift in Korea

Oh how we hate aging on our faces. But you know what? Our forehead wrinkles, sagging cheeks or saggy jawlines are not the only ones that reveal our age. In fact, our necks – that’s right, that’s one part of our body which many tend to neglect – tell others a whole lot about our age too.

And unfortunately, there is only so much neck creams or neck lifting masks can do, but do they even work? If you have loose skin on your neck, or perhaps a double chin due to aging, honestly, a neck lift is your best bet. And here’s how a neck lift can help you eliminate the signs of aging.

What is neck lift surgery?

As you age, especially from mid-forties onwards, the skin at your neck will start to become droopy and fat tissues will accumulate to create a double chin. A neck lift is an invasive procedure that involves lifting the SMAS layer under your neck skin by tightening weaken muscles and tissues, removing fats, and trimming of excess sagging skin.

Unlike the traditional necklift which only lifts the superficial top skin layer, SMAS neck lift actually goes deep under the skin to lift the muscles and tissues, which makes it more effective and long-lasting. It is very effective for mid to severe neck sagging and suitable for those who have:

  • Loose skin at their necks
  • Sagging necks
  • Double chins caused by aging and saggy neck skin

Best for those in their late thirties to forties or those whose skin is in the mid stage of sagging. If your skin is only starting to show early signs of aging, you might want to consider a thread neck lift instead, which is less invasive for you.

Benefits of a neck lift surgery

The biggest benefit that you can receive from a neck lift is that you will look younger than you really are and other benefits include:

  • Gets rid of excess loose skin on your neck
  • Eliminates double chins
  • Improve elasticity of sagging skin and droopiness of your neck area
  • Lifts sagging and droopy neck
  • Gives an immediate lifted and rejuvenation look
  • Natural-looking lift results
  • Almost no visible scarring

Neck lift surgery procedure

First, your surgeon will make an incision at the bottom back of your ears and extending into the hairline at the back of your ear. The skin is then separated from the SMAS layer and your surgeon will lift and trim the tissues and sagging neck muscles at the SMAS layer. And lastly, the excess loose skin at your neck is lifted and trimmed off.


  • Dramatic lifting for your neck area
  • Gets rid of excess loose skin at your neck
  • Effective for improving and eliminating neck wrinkles and creases
  • Eliminates double chin caused by aging or saggy neck skin
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin rejuvenation of neck skin
  • Natural-looking lifting effects
  • Fast recovery time
  • Permanent and long-lasting results (lasts about 10 years)
  • Minimal scarring (but scars fade over time)


  • None

How long does neck lift surgery take?

A neck lift surgery in Korea lasts 1~2 hours, and is performed under sedation anesthesia so you will not feel any pain.

When can I see results?

Results from neck lifts are immediate and permanent, but there will be minor swelling and bruising at your jawline and under your neck for 1~2 weeks. The incision areas will also be taped up to prevent infections and aid in recovery. During recovery, you are also recommended not to open your mouth too wide or turn your head too much.

And of course, a neck lift may remove or reduce the signs of aging but it cannot stop aging. The results of a neck lift typically last about 10 years before those hateful signs of aging gradually reappear.

Actual recovery time vary among individuals, and is subjected to one’s health condition & healing response.

How long should I stay in Korea?

Neck lift surgery in Korea is a minor surgery so hospitalization is not required. But do stay until your stitches are removed, and go shopping in the meantime!

Stitch removal

Stitches are usually removed 7 days after surgery.

Cautions on stitch removal

If you remove the stitches earlier then advised, your wound might reopen. Hence, causing an infection. But if you remove it too late, you risk further scarring and pigmentation. So, keep to all dates diligently.

If you want to know more about buccal fat removal in Korea, speak to our consultants.

Sometimes, some patients might want to have their stitches removed at the local hospitals in their home country due to time constraints.

Although that is possible (but not recommended), it very much depends on how well you have been healing, and is also subjected to doctor’s approval.

Alternatives to neck lift surgery

If your skin is only starting to show early signs of aging, you might want to consider thread neck lift instead as it would be less invasive. And if your skin is showing severe signs of aging and you have forehead wrinkles and fine lines at your eyelid area, you might want to consider a full face lift instead.

What other surgery complements neck lift surgery?

1. SMAS facelift

If you are also experiencing sagging jawlines due to aging or your jaw reduction surgery, SMAS face lift is one of the best treatments for lifting your saggy mid-face.

2. Endotine forehead lift

If you are forehead sagging, you might also want to consider an endotine forehead lift to take off years from your face overall.

3. Sub-brow lift

A sub-brow lift surgery can help correct drooping eyelid and saggy eyebrows, making you look younger and refreshed.

4. Facial fat grafting

Facial fat grafting can help to restore lost volume to sunken areas of your face and smooths your skin, making you look more youthful and beautiful.

5. Botox

As we grow old, aging is inevitable but botox sure can help reduce the signs of aging and restore youth on our face.


To be honest, our necks tell a lot about our age, sometimes even more so than our faces. Because people tend to neglect their neck areas and focus on their faces instead. Sure, you can have a wrinkle-free face and flawless skin but your neck don’t lie.

So if you realize that the skin at your neck is getting droopy and causing you to have a double chin, it might be time for a SMAS neck lift. Moreover, a neck lift is effective and scarring is minimal and hidden, so why not right? Well, at the end of the day, you wouldn’t want to be sporting a young face with a saggy neck, would you?

But above all, just make sure to get a board certified surgeon who is highly skilled and specialized in facelifts for the best results.

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Everything you need to know about neck lift in Korea