Top 6 reasons to get rhinoplasty

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Many people opt to undergo rhinoplasty for various reasons. While many might do it for aesthetic purposes, many also get rhinoplasty to improve the function of their nose. Last week we talked about the benefits of getting rhinoplasty. So today, we will elaborate on the reasons to get rhinoplasty.

Common reasons for people to get rhinoplasty

1. For aesthetics enhancement

One of the main reasons many choose to undergo rhinoplasty is for the purpose of enhancing their appearance. Contrary to what many might think and associate as vanity, this should not be frown upon. For one, enhancing your appearance will, no doubt, have a positive impact on how you feel about yourself and boost your self-confidence.

Having a successful nose job can encourage a positive self-image which will boost your mental as well as your emotional health, and lead to positive thoughts. Once you start to feel good about the way you look, it will bring about success in your life and career.

2. Fix chronic sinus problems

Chronic sinus issues and nasal congestions can be caused by a deviated septum. When you have a deviated septum, proper airflow is blocked, resulting in breathing difficulties, stuffy nose, chronic sinusitis etc.

Undergoing septoplasty can eliminate, if not, improve sinus issues by surgically straightening your nasal septum to enable your sinuses to drain more easily. 

3. Correct breathing issues

Sometimes, the shape of your nose might cause chronic breathing issues and snoring. Rhinoplasty can be used to improve the nasal passages and make breathing through the nose much easier. In short, getting a nose job can give you a better functioning and good-looking nose.

4. Due to nose injuries

No matter how careful you are, accidents and injuries can happen. Your nose, being the most prominent feature that sticks out from the rest of your face, makes it easier for you to injure it. In order to avoid future breathing or sinus issues that could occur from the injury, you are recommended to get nose surgery to fix your nose injury.

5. Fix broken noses

Broken noses are one of the most common facial fractures which can damage both the original appearance and function of your nose. A simple trip and fall, walking into a door, physical fights or even playing contact sports can cause a fracture or break your nose. In such cases, rhinoplasty can be performed to repair the damage caused.

6. Cleft palate or cleft lip

A cleft palate or cleft lip is a birth defect that often affect the construction of the nose and sinuses. Sometimes if is not corrected, you might have difficulties breathing or even eating. While a cleft palate or lip may be corrected to improve the appearance of a person, it is also considered a medical condition. In such cases, rhinoplasty is required to repair the structural issues that result from a cleft palate.


There are plenty of reasons why many opt to undergo rhinoplasty. But for whatever reasons, your choice to undergo nose surgery should not be frown upon. In fact, it takes a lot of courage for one to decide on a change and to go through the recovery process.

If you want to know more about rhinoplasty, speak to our consultants.

Most importantly, if you are looking to get rhinoplasty, make sure that you get an experienced board certified plastic surgeon who is skilled in nose surgery for the best results!

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What are the benefits of getting rhinoplasty?
Top 6 reasons to get rhinoplasty