Arm lift surgery FAQs answered

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Sometimes, no matter how much you diet and exercise, you realized that you can’t seem to get rid of this – flabby arms. That’s why many consider arm lift surgery to get rid of “bat wings” which is the flappy loose skin hanging from your upper arms. If you are looking to get arm lift surgery, here’s a list of arm lift surgery FAQs and its answers so as to help you decide if you really need it and/or know what to expect.

Common arm lift surgery FAQs

What is arm lift surgery?

An arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that removes loose hanging skin from arms to reshape your arms to look more toned and defined. It is also often combined with arm liposuction for those who have severely flabby and fat arms.

Are you a good candidate for arm lift surgery?

The ideal candidate for arm lift surgery is one who is in a good health condition with good skin laxity who has excessive loose hanging skin on their arms. You should also be within around 10% of your ideal weight. If you are significantly overweight, you might be asked to reduce some weight before getting the surgery.

Can arm lift fix batwings arms?

Batwing arms is a term used to describe loose, flabby skin and excess fat on the upper arms. An arm lift surgery is used specifically to get rid of bat wings to achieve a more toned and sculpted look for your arms.

Can arm lift surgery help get rid of armpit fats?

Yes, an arm lift surgery not only contours your arm but also helps get rid of armpit fats as well.

Will you lose weight after an arm lift surgery?

Though arm lift surgery is not a weight loss procedure, it does help you to lose some weight but it will not be a significant weight loss. It will also depend on how much loose skin and fats you have on your arms.

What are the risks associated with arm lift surgery?

Some of the risks include infection, swelling, seroma, skin contour irregularities, asymmetry, change in skin sensation, and scarring.

Are there any other alternatives to arm lift surgery?

Other alternatives to arm lift surgery includes liposuction and fat dissolving injections but it will only work if you don’t have much loose skin on your arms. If you have a lot of loose hanging skin and fats on your arms, you might want to consider getting both liposuction and arm lift surgery for toned, sculpted arms.

What is recovery like?

After your arm lift surgery, expect major bruising, swelling and soreness to last at least 2~3 weeks. Your arms will be taped up after surgery to prevent further swelling and keep the contours of your newly-shaped arms. Do leave the tape on until instructed.

You should avoid lifting your arms above shoulder level or do any physical and athletic activities for at least 1~2 months. But do take lots of light walks in the park as it helps reduce swelling, lower the chance of developing blood clots, and avoid constipation.

For more arm lift surgery aftercare and post-op instructions, do read this.

Do you have to wear a compression garment after getting an arm lift surgery?

Yes, you will be required to wear compression sleeves around your arms for at least 2~3 months. This will help with reducing swelling and bruising, and maintaining the shape and contours of your new arms.

Can you smoke or drink after arm lift surgery?

The success of your arm lift surgery not only lies in the hands of your plastic surgeon but also on how well you recover after surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol disrupts your healing process by slowing down healing and prohibiting healthy blood flow. This in turn, increases the risk of infections and increases the susceptibility for scarring.

So avoid smoking or being around a smoker, and drinking alcohol for at least 1~2 months. In fact, you should refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol at least 2~3 weeks before your surgery as well. Or better still, use this opportunity to quit smoking in all.

When can you return to work after your arm lift?

Typically, you can return to work 2 to 3 weeks after your surgery.

When can you start driving after your arm lift surgery?

Generally, you should be able to start driving 7 to 10 days after your surgery.

When can you start to lift your arms after arm lift surgery?

Avoid raising your arms over shoulder level, pushing or pulling anything for at least 1 month. Do be wary of any movements that will impact your upper body and arms and restrict your arm movements. You should be able to start lifting your arms 1 month after the surgery.

When can you see results from your arm lift surgery?

Results are immediate but might not be obvious due to post-surgery swelling. However, once the swelling has gone down, you will notice that your arms are much slimmer and toned than before.

Are results from arm lift surgery permanent?

Results from an arm lift surgery is permanent, provided that you do not gain or lose any significant amount of weight. Your body will still undergo the normal aging process, which could result in some changes.

Does arm fats return after an arm lift surgery?

Typically, arm fats only return if you gain excessive weight after the surgery.

Are arm lift scars noticeable?

An area of concern for arm lift surgery is the incision scars. Arm lift incisions generally extend from the underarm to the elbow on the underside of the upper arm.

That said, the incision length and pattern will depend on the amount and location of excess skin that is to be removed so incisions can be smaller if you don’t have much loose hanging skin.

How long does it take for arm lift scars to fade?

Fortunately, most scars will fade away completely or lighten significantly in about 6~9 months after your surgery.


As you age, gain or lose weight, it is inevitable that your upper arm skin will become loose or flabby. And usually, this is a huge concern as no one likes batwing arms. 

If you want to know more about the procedures, speak to our consultants.

Fortunately, you can get rid of those flabby, loose hanging skin from your arms with arm lift surgery. The only drawback is that scars are unavoidable, but thankful, most scars fade over time.

Most importantly, make sure that you get a consultation from a qualified and skillful plastic surgeon who is experienced in arm lifts because its results are very dependent on the doctor. 

If you still have more arm lift surgery FAQs, drop us a line and we’ll get your questions answered!

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